What years have there been recessions?

What years have there been recessions?

Great Depression onward

Name Period Range Time since previous recession (months)
Great Depression Aug 1929–Mar 1933 1 year 9 months
Recession of 1937–1938 May 1937–June 1938 4 years 2 months
Recession of 1945 Feb 1945–Oct 1945 6 years 8 months
Recession of 1949 Nov 1948–Oct 1949 3 years 1 month

How many recessions has the UK had since 1980?

List of recessions in the United Kingdom

Name Dates Duration
1961 recession 1961 Q3 1961 Q4 0.5 years (2 Qtrs)
Mid-1970s recessions 1973 Q3 1973 Q4 1974 Q1 0.75 years (3 Qtrs)
1975 Q2 1975 Q3 0.5 years (2 Qtrs)
Early 1980s recession 1980 Q1 1980 Q2 1980 Q3 1980 Q4 1981 Q1 1.25 years (5 Qtr)

Is there a recession every 10 years?

Recessions seem to occur every decade or so in modern economies and, more specifically, they seem to regularly follow periods of strong growth.

Was there a recession in the 80s?

The early 1980s recession was a severe economic recession that affected much of the world between approximately the start of 1980 and early 1983. It is widely considered to have been the most severe recession since World War II.

How long did the recession of 2008 last?

eighteen months
According to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (the official arbiter of U.S. recessions) the recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, and thus extended over eighteen months.

How did the 1980s recession end?

The official end of the recession was established as of July 1980. As interest rates dropped beginning in May, payrolls turned positive. Unemployment among auto workers rose from a low of 4.8% in 1979 to a record high of 24.7%, then fell to 17.4% by the end of the year.

How long does the average recession last?

The National Bureau of Economic Research dates recessions on a monthly basis back to 1854; according to their chronology, from 1854 to 1919, there were 16 cycles. The average recession lasted 22 months, and the average expansion 27. From 1919 to 1945, there were six cycles; recessions lasted an average 18 months and expansions for 35.

What caused the double-dip recession of 1980?

This far more painful recession came close on the heels of the short 1980 recession, introducing Americans to the phrase “double-dip recession.” For the third time in a decade, one of the recessionary triggers was an oil crisis.

How many global recessions have there been in the history?

History of Global Recessions. Based on the IMF’s pre-2009 definition, the modern world has been through six periods of global recession, including: However, based on the IMF’s post-2009 definition, the global economy had experienced just four global recessions in modern times (since the end of World War II).

How many recessions has the US had since WW2?

Starting with an eight-month slump in 1945, the U.S. economy has weathered 12 different recessions since World War II. On average, America’s post-war recessions have lasted only 10 months, while periods of expansion have lasted 57 months.


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