What is Small Talk vs Big talk?

What is Small Talk vs Big talk?

Small Talk – polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters. Big talk – deep, meaningful conversation about important issues that also helps you get to know the other person better.

What are some good small talk topics?

Small Talk Topics

  • Your location or venue.
  • Shows, movies, plays, etc.
  • Art.
  • Food, restaurants, or cooking.
  • Their hobbies.
  • Their professional interests and responsibilities.
  • Sports.
  • The climate.

What are examples of small talk?

Small Talk: Conversation Starters

  • Beautiful day, isn’t it?
  • Can you believe all of this rain we’ve been having?
  • It looks like it’s going to snow.
  • It sure would be nice to be in Hawaii right about now.
  • I hear they’re calling for thunderstorms all weekend.
  • We couldn’t ask for a nicer day, could we?
  • How about this weather?

How do you make small talk into big talk?

Read on to see the best of what we uncovered.

  1. Have some ‘deep’ conversation starters on hand.
  2. Ask questions about topics the other person is interested in.
  3. Find out what makes the other person special.
  4. Avoid discussing the weather.
  5. Assume the other person has deep thoughts.
  6. Don’t push people to see your perspective.

What is considered big talk?

Big Talk is a communication approach that facilitates more meaningful life connections—with friends, family, coworkers, teammates, classmates, strangers, and even oneself—through the process of skipping the small talk to ask more open-ended and thought-provoking questions.

Who created big talk?

Kalina Silverman
History. Four years ago, Kalina Silverman started Big Talk as an experimental video series while studying broadcast journalism at Northwestern University. When she first arrived at school, she met new people each day, yet still felt a sense of loneliness and superficiality that made her feel disconnected.

What are the 3 things you never talk about?

People always say there are 3 things you don’t talk about: politics, religion and money. Those are such fascinating topics; why would I want to steer away from them? Knock yourself out.

What do you talk about in a deep conversation?

Deep Conversation Topics About Ethics and Values. Do you consider yourself a truth seeker? Can you tell me about a time when someone showed you kindness or compassion over something? Is it more important for people to help others or should they be accountable for their own well-being?

Do extroverts like small talk?

The general answer is yes, extroverts like small talk. They enjoy conversation which others might regard as pointless, as they find it a useful exercise in getting to know somebody before moving the conversation moves on to more specific subjects. Some people asked me “why do extroverts talk so much”.

What are the 3 things you should never talk about?

How do you talk smart?

Here are seven ways smart people start conversations.

  1. They Make Eye Contact. A smart person will keep eye contact with you from the beginning of the conversation.
  2. They Pay Attention to their Body Language.
  3. They Ask Smart Questions.
  4. They Give Compliments.
  5. They Make You Laugh.
  6. They Really Listen.
  7. They Tell a Good Story.

How do I start smart talk?

How to Turn Small Talk into Smart Conversation

  1. Ask open-ended questions that demand stories, not one-word answers.
  2. Return the favor.
  3. Mind the gap.
  4. Arm yourself with interesting topics.
  5. Avoid inappropriate topics.

What is small talk in a conversation?

Small talk is light, informal conversation. It’s commonly used when you’re talking to someone you don’t know very well and at networking and social events. How to Make Small Talk There are four strategies that’ll help you make small talk in any situation.

What is the best way to make small talk?

How to Make Small Talk. There are four strategies that’ll help you make small talk in any situation. First, ask open-ended questions. Most people enjoy talking about themselves — not only are we are our favorite subjects, but it’s also easier to discuss yourself than something you know little about.

What is “Big Talk?

First it’s important to note that big talk isn’t talking big. A “big talker” who monopolizes the conversation with their accomplishments and acquisitions is arrogant. Instead, I take my definition from a story told by psychologist and author Gay Hendricks in his book, Five Wishes.

What are some good small talk topics to ask someone?

Food is one of the best small talk topics, since almost everyone loves to eat. Ask which restaurants they’d recommend and the dishes you should order. If they don’t eat out often, ask which dishes they like to make at home.


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