What is intransitive object?

What is intransitive object?

An intransitive verb is the opposite of a transitive verb: it does not require an object to act upon.

What is transitive and intransitive object?

When a verb is transitive it means it has an object. For example, Throw a ball. When a verb is intransitive, it doesn’t need an object.

What are transitive and intransitive verbs with examples?

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verb Transitive Intransitive
run Michelle used to run a restaurant. The path ran over the hill.
live Our cat lived till he was 10. He was living a life of luxury abroad.
wash Have you washed your hands? I washed, dressed, and went out.
write Write your name here. Kevin couldn’t read or write.

What is transitive verb give 3 examples?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are “address,” “borrow,” “bring,” “discuss,” “raise,” “offer,” “pay,” “write,” “promise,” and “have.”

What is intransitive example?

A finite verb that does not need an object to make a complete sentence is called an intransitive verb. Examples of Intransitive Verb: A flock of birds is flying over our heads. We laughed so hard that we could not talk for a few minutes.

What are 10 examples of transitive?

Examples of Transitive Verbs

  • Alex sent a postcard from Argentina.
  • She left the keys on the table.
  • My father took me to the movies for my birthday.
  • Please buy me a dog!
  • Minna hit Joe when the teacher turned.
  • My mom wrote me a letter for my birthday.
  • My dog ate carrots off the floor.
  • Alicia washed the dishes after dinner.

Is Crying transitive or intransitive?

1[intransitive, transitive] to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt It’s all right. Don’t cry. I just couldn’t stop crying.

Is laugh transitive or intransitive?

(Laugh is an intransitive verb and does not take any object.

What is meant by intransitive verb?

a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object, as sit or lie, and, in English, that does not form a passive.

What is a transitive sentence?

A transitive verb is one which needs to take an object in a sentence to complete its meaning. Other sentences containing transitive verbs are: I love ice-cream. He studies French. The above sentences have a subject (I / He), a transitive verb (love / studies) and an object (ice-cream / French).

Is eat transitive or intransitive?

Let’s look at a simple word like “eat.” When “eat” is a transitive verb, it is always followed by its grammatical direct object—“toast” or “dinner,” for example.

Is drink intransitive verb?

The word “drink” is a transitive verb in “they drink wine”, but an intransitive one in “they drink often.”


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