Who can I call if I think Im pregnant?

Who can I call if I think Im pregnant?

If your pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your doctor or local Planned Parenthood Health Center right away so you can talk about your pregnancy options and make sure you stay healthy — no matter what you decide to do.

When should I call my pregnancy advice line?

If you think you are in labour call us on 0300 123 5473 Call a Midwife is a designated telephone advice and triage line available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You can talk to a local midwife at any time about your pregnancy, labour or in the first 28 days after your baby is born.

What should I ask at my 24 week appointment?

Here are some great ones to ask throughout your second trimester prenatal appointments:

  • How is my child’s development?
  • What tests should I get done this trimester?
  • What is my projected delivery date?
  • How much weight should I be gaining?
  • What symptoms are normal?
  • What complications can arise this trimester?

Can a girl get pregnant after a one night stand?

You can get pregnant even if the condom doesn’t break! As always, there were two people involved in this one-night stand. Why is it that the man has the right to assume that the woman has taken care of the birth control and if she hasn’t, then it’s all her fault and the consequences are hers alone?

How do I contact the American pregnancy helpline?

You can expect a response within two business days. If you speak Spanish, you can email [email protected] instead. American Pregnancy Helpline — You can email the American Pregnancy Helpline at [email protected] to speak with a pregnancy educator. The organization is geared towards pregnant teens and young adults.

What is the best phone number to call for pregnancy questions?

1-866-942-6466 — The American Pregnancy Helpline is a free and confidential hotline geared towards teens or young adults going through unexpected pregnancies. However, anyone may call and ask their pregnancy-related questions. The hotline is open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.

Where can I talk to someone about my pregnancy symptoms?

Live Chat. Option Line live chat is available any time, day or night. We offer free, confidential help, information about pregnancy signs and symptoms, information on all your options, and we can quickly connect you to the local assistance you need. Call our pregnancy helpline at 1-800-712-4357 or chat with us now!

How to check your chances of being pregnant online?

This quick and easy online pregnancy quiz will help you check your chances of being pregnant-and we will be here for you, every step of the way. If you’d rather get help for your pregnancy questions from a live person, our 24/7 pregnancy hotline is available at 1-800-712-4357.


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