How many assets were in the Leviathan wars?

How many assets were in the Leviathan wars?

Mass Effect 3: Leviathan features an additional 620 War Assets for the player to obtain, Mass Effect 3: Omega features an additional 405 War Assets, and Mass Effect 3: Citadel adds 70 points to the Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2 War Asset.

How many War Assets does Shepard need to survive?

7800 War Assets
Provided that you have 7800 War Assets or more, Commander Shepard will survive the blast, along with the entire Normandy crew.

How do you get maximum war assets?

By making the tough choices in main story missions or in side-quests, you can earn more War Assets that go to your total Readiness Rating. If you don’t reach a high enough Readiness Rating, Shephard and his team will die during the final confrontation with the Reapers.

How do you increase war assets in Mass Effect 3?

To increase Military strength in Mass Effect 3, Shepard should scan every star system to find hidden War Assets on other planets. They should also complete side missions and try to forge and maintain alliances with as many groups as possible.

Is there an me3 ending where Shepard lives?

Even though the might of the entire galaxy is not enough for the war, there is an ending that makes sure Shepard lives by the end of Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition.

Is Shepard indoctrinated?

The Indoctrination Theory is one of the most popular alternative readings of Mass Effect 3’s ending scenario. It supposes that Shepard, by the time he reaches the Crucible at the end of the game, has already been indoctrinated by the Reapers after being slowly manipulated over the course of the entire trilogy.

Can Shepard survive synthesis?

Synthesis (Green): Shepard can sacrifice themselves to merge all organic and synthetic life in the galaxy, preventing the Reapers from needing to continue the cycles. With this option, Earth survives, and Shepard’s squad survives and are synthesized.

How do war assets work in Legendary Edition?

War assets are the actual items and people you find out in the galaxy as you work to help humanity repel the Reapers. You gain war assets by completing missions throughout the game–both main missions and side missions. The point total for your war assets is defined as Total Military Strength.

Should I destroy or control the Reapers?

It is entirely up to the player’s interpretation to determine which ending they feel is the best conclusion for Shepard’s story, but the choice to control the Reapers offers the most satisfying ending to the fight for survival in the Milky Way galaxy.

Is the Illusive Man indoctrinated?

Shepard refuses and suggests that the Illusive Man is indoctrinated. Depending on the player’s prior in-game choices, Shepard may convince him that he is indoctrinated, which causes the Illusive Man to shoot himself, with his final words revealing that he attempted to resist the Reaper indoctrination.

Is Shepard alive?

In almost every ending of Mass Effect 3, Shepard will die in exchange for stopping the Reapers. Both the “Control” and “Synthesis” endings will always lead to Shepard’s death, as his consciousness will need to be infused into the Crucible for them to work.


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