What are the 5 basic lab safety rules?

What are the 5 basic lab safety rules?

General Laboratory Safety Rules

  • Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers.
  • Know emergency exit routes.
  • Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.
  • Minimize all chemical exposures.
  • No horseplay will be tolerated.
  • Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.

What are the 10 lab safety rules?

The 10 Most Important Lab Safety Rules

  • of 10. The Most Important Lab Safety Rule.
  • of 10. Know the Location of Safety Equipment.
  • of 10. Dress for the Lab.
  • of 10. Don’t Eat or Drink in the Laboratory.
  • of 10. Don’t Taste or Sniff Chemicals.
  • of 10. Don’t Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory.
  • of 10. Dispose of Lab Waste Properly.
  • of 10.

What are the 7 lab safety rules?

Top 10 Lab Safety Rules

  • Rule #1 – WALK.
  • Rule #2 – PROPER LAB ATTIRE.
  • Rule #5 – BROKEN GLASS.
  • Rule #6 – EYE WASH/SHOWER.
  • Rule #7 – FIRE SAFETY.

What are the 12 lab safety rules?

Lab Safety Rules Use hot mitts to handle hot objects. Never work in the lab alone. Never engage in horseplay in the lab. Never eat or drink in the lab.

Do and don’ts in laboratory?

Do and Don’t in the Science Lab

  • Do Wear Eye Protection.
  • Do Practice Fire Safety.
  • Do Handle Glassware Safely.
  • Do Keep Notes.
  • Do Wear Gloves.
  • Do Wear Closed-Toed Shoes.
  • Do Practice Electrical Safety.
  • Don’t Eat or Drink in the Lab.

What is the most important lab safety rule?

The most important lab safety rule is to know the location of and how to use safety equipment, such as a fire extinguisher.

What are the safety rules in lab?

Personal protective equipments

  • Long-sleeved shirts, lab coats, aprons.
  • goggles.
  • Safety gloves; There are 2 common types of safety gloves that are widely used in high school or university laboratory, Latex and Nitrile gloves.
  • Face shield or safety.
  • Particulate respirator.
  • Organic vapor respirator.

What is the first rule of lab safety?

Students must be made to wear safety goggles, lab coat, and shoes in the science laboratory. Loose clothes, sandals, and open hairs should be a strict NO in school science labs. Examine glassware before using. Do not use chipped or cracked test tubes or beakers.

What labs should not do safety?

Things Not to Do Do not eat, drink, chew gum, smoke or apply cosmetics in the lab. Just being in lab makes your hands dirtier than you can imagine and you don’t want to accidentally eat any reagent (see item 5 on ‘things to do’ list). Do not put pieces of lab equipment in your mouth.

What are the safety procedures in a lab?

Safe Lab Practices

  • No Food or Drink.
  • Wear Your PPE and Proper Lab Attire.
  • Good Hygiene.
  • Use Proper Storage Containers.
  • Label Your Work Space.
  • Don’t Work Alone.
  • Stay Focused and Aware of Your Surroundings.
  • Participate in Safety Exercises.

What are the top three rules for safe science practices?

Act responsibly in the science classroom / lab.

  • Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully.
  • Never work alone.
  • Do not touch equipment or chemicals in the lab until your teacher gives instructions.
  • Do not eat, drink or chew gum in the science classroom / lab.
  • Do not drink from lab containers.
  • What safety equipment should be located in the lab?

    Many accidents can be prevented by wearing appropriate personal safety equipment. When working in a laboratory, you should wear a protective apron and gloves to protect your clothes and skin. You should also wear safety goggles or a face shield when performing any test where there is potential danger to the eyes.

    What are laboratory safety goggles used for?

    Laboratory safety goggles are the single most important piece of safety equipment you have in the lab, and must be worn whenever chemicals are in use in the organic chemistry laboratory.

    What are the lab safety rules?

    You are required to follow the lab safety rules at all times or risk being expelled from the lab for the day and taking an unexcused absence. These rules include:  Wear safety goggles. You may only remove your goggles if no one in the lab room is using chemicals or washing glassware.

    When do you need to wear chemical splash goggles?

    Personal Safety ANSI Z87.1 approved chemical-splash goggles or safety glasses, as appropriate or directed by your instructor, shall be worn at all times in the laboratory, including prelaboratory work cleanup, unless the instructor specifically states that the activity does not require the use of chemical-splash goggles or safety glasses.

    Can you wear contact lenses in the laboratory?

    The American Chemical Society (ACS) Committee on Chemical Safety states that contact lenses can be worn in the laboratory provided that approved eye protection is worn as required of others in the laboratory.



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