How do you update a gem source?

How do you update a gem source?

If you use bundle config local. GEM_NAME /path/to/local/git/repository from the command line then every time you reload your application it will load the latest source from your file system. You can bump your Gem’s version. Next time you run bundle your gem will be updated to the next iteration.

How do you update a gem to a specific version?

This will work if the gem has no shared dependencies with other gems.

  1. Find out the version you want to update to.
  2. Add that version explicitly to the Gemfile with , ‘=1.2.3’
  3. Run bundle install.
  4. Remove the explicit version number again.
  5. Run bundle install once more.

How do you update a bundle with gems?

How to update the bundler version in a Gemfile. lock

  1. Install the latest bundler version: Copy. gem install bundler Fetching bundler-2.1.2.gem Successfully installed bundler-2.1.2 1 gem installed.
  2. Update the bundler version in you Gemfile.lock : Copy. bundle _2.1.2_ update –bundler.

What is the Ruby gem command?

The interface for RubyGems is a command-line tool called gem which can install and manage libraries (the gems). RubyGems integrates with Ruby run-time loader to help find and load installed gems from standardized library folders.

How do I update my ruby version?

Ruby versions (updating)

  1. Upgrade ruby (using rvm) sudo rvm get head.
  2. Install bundler. gem install bundler.
  3. Go to application root directory and install gems. cd APPLICATION_ROOT.
  4. Install Easy Redmine. rake easyproject:install RAILS_ENV=production.
  5. You may also need to change the ruby version in a startup script.

How do I check my ruby version?

“how to check ruby version” Code Answer’s

  1. // Command line:
  2. $ ruby -v.
  3. // Within irb type “RUBY_VERSION”
  4. # => “2.4.1”
  5. // If using RVM:
  6. $ rvm current.

How do I install a specific version of a ruby gem?

Use `gem install -v` You may already be familiar with gem install , but if you add the -v flag, you can specify the version of the gem to install. Using -v you can specify an exact version or use version comparators.

How do I update my bundle version?

Bundler will never change your application to a new major version until you choose to do so. If your application is ready, you can upgrade that application to the latest installed version of Bundler by running bundle update –bundler . We recommend committing your Gemfile. lock before you upgrade.

How do you update bundle files?

2 Answers. No, the bundle cannot be updated. Items in the bundle are packaged with the app, and the app is digitally signed so as to be able to be resold through the App Store.

How do I update my Ruby version?

How do I update my bundler?

Upgrading applications from Bundler 1 to Bundler 2 Bundler will never change your application to a new major version until you choose to do so. If your application is ready, you can upgrade that application to the latest installed version of Bundler by running bundle update –bundler .

How do I update Ruby app?

For each version you need to do these steps:

  1. Change the Rails version in the Gemfile.
  2. gem update.
  3. rails app:update.
  4. Apply all changes from the upgrade guide.
  5. Run your tests.
  6. Fix all failing tests.
  7. Fix all obsolete messages.


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