What is the postcode for Queenstown?

What is the postcode for Queenstown?

Queenstown/Zip codes

How do you write a PO box address NZ?

  1. If you’re using a PO Box or Private Bag address, don’t include a street address as well.
  2. PO Box and Private Bag numbers have no spaces (eg.
  3. ‘PO’ has no spaces or punctuation (eg.
  4. You can leave out the box lobby name if it’s exactly the same as the town/city name.
  5. Always use a postcode.

Do New Zealand addresses have postcodes?

Every delivery point in New Zealand has been assigned a postcode. Postcodes help to identify the delivery address when there are the same or similar street and town names used nationwide.

What is a NZ postcode?

Postcodes are a series of four digits that are used in New Zealand to efficiently sort and route mail within the postal system. The digits within the postcode are assigned to specific delivery points within New Zealand and are interpreted to ensure mail is delivered to the correct location.

What is my postal code Myanmar?

Yangon Region postal codes/ zip codes, Myanmar

Names Township Postal Codes
Hlaing Hlaing 11051
Hlaing Thar Yar Hlaing Thar Yar 11401
Insein Insein 11011
Kaba Aye Mayangone 11061

What is the postcode for Frankton?

Frankton/Zip codes
NZ Post Shop Frankton Central – Frankton Pharmacy, 163 Commerce Street, Frankton, Hamilton 3204 | PostShop/Kiwibank Locator | New Zealand Post.

How do you list an address with a PO box?

Post office box addresses always begin with the words “PO Box” followed by the individual box number, usually a 2-5 digit number. The US Postal Service requests that senders leave out all punctuation when filling in PO Box addresses. For instance, write “PO Box,” not “P.O. Box.”

How do you fill out an address with a PO box?

Positioning the P.O. Box Number in the Address Block Begin a mailing address with the recipient’s name, roughly centered on the envelope. Below the name, include a business name, if applicable. Then, add the post office box number (or the street address). On the last line, include the city, state and ZIP code.

Do PO boxes have postcodes?

Most in the UK are used for direct marketing (typically starting with BX), and PO Boxes for large areas. There are also a number of PO Box postcodes though, EC1P, EC2P, EC3P and EC4P.

What is my area code NZ?

When you call a New Zealand telephone number from overseas, you will need to prefix your telephone number with ’64’. When you call an overseas number from New Zealand, you will need to prefix your telephone number with ’00’, followed by the corresponding country code (0061 if dialling Australia etc).

How do I get a postcode?

Postcodes should always be in BLOCK CAPITALS as the last line of an address. Do not underline the postcode or use any punctuation. Leave a clear space of one character between the two parts of the postcode and do not join the characters in any way.


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