What is the equation of a triangular wave?

What is the equation of a triangular wave?

In e.g. JavaScript, this results in an equation of the form 4*a/p * Math. abs((((x-p/4)%p)+p)%p – p/2) – a .

What is triangular wave function?

The Triangle Wave Function is a periodic function used in signal processing. It is an even function, which means it is symmetrical around the y-axis. This function is sometimes also called the continuous sawtooth function, however, the actual “sawtooth” has a slightly different shape: The sawtooth function. .

How do you write a triangular function?

If a < x < b , then the triangular pulse function equals (x – a)/(b – a) . If b < x < c , then the triangular pulse function equals (c – x)/(c – b) . If x <= a or x >= c , then the triangular pulse function equals 0.

What is the integral of a triangle wave?

Given that the edges of the triangle wave is perfectly straight, the integral will be square wave. Remember that interal of a signal represent its slope angle.

Is triangle function continuous?

There is a difference between a continuous function and a differentiable function. A triangular wave is continuous but not differentiable. A square wave is discontinuous (and possibly double valued!- and if so by definition not a function) as well as not differentiable.

What is the form factor of a triangular wave?

1.16 is the form factor of a triangular wave.

Is Triangle function continuous?

Is a triangle wave a complex wave?

The fundamental and the harmonics are called the COMPONENTS of a complex wave. Square, Triangular and Saw-tooth waves can be shown to consist of a fairly straightforward series of components, you should remember which series of harmonics makes up which of these three complex waves.

What is meant by Signum function?

In mathematics, the sign function or signum function (from signum, Latin for “sign”) is an odd mathematical function that extracts the sign of a real number. In mathematical expressions the sign function is often represented as sgn.

Is a triangle function continuous?

Why is the integral of a square wave a triangle wave?

Integrating a constant gives you a linear relationship: ie integrating a constant k (dx) results in kx (+constant of integration). A square wave is just two constant levels (eg +1, -1). So, that results in the triangle wave.

What is the rms value of triangular wave?

Triangle- and sawtooth-shaped waveforms have RMS values of 0.577 (the reciprocal of square root of 3) and form factors of 1.15 (0.577/0.5).


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