How much does Malvern College Cost?

How much does Malvern College Cost?

Malvern College, with fees of LE280,000, including LE35,000 registration fees, 15,000 for school bus, and LE5,000 for lunch.

Is Malvern College a public school?

The campus, now covering some 250 acres (101 ha), is near the Malvern Hills. There are currently about 650 pupils enrolled at the school, aged between 13 and 19….

Malvern College
Type Public School Independent day and boarding
Motto Sapiens qui prospiciT (Wise is the person who looks ahead)
Established 1865

What famous people went to Malvern College?

List of famous alumni from Malvern College, with photos when available….Famous Malvern College Alumni

  • Aleister Crowley. Poet, Novelist.
  • Denholm Elliott. Actor.
  • C. S. Lewis.
  • Edward B.
  • Jeremy Paxman.
  • Francis William Aston.
  • Ahmed Rashid.
  • James Rousseau.

What are the most expensive schools in Egypt?

The most expensive school, Cairo American College, is at 429,832 EGP per year (last year of study), New Cairo British International School (260,545 EGP), and Schutz American School (254,855 EGP).

How much is Eton per year?

Eton College
Colour(s) Eton blue
Song Carmen Etonense
Publication The Chronicle Etonomics The Lexicon
School fees £48,501 per year US$68,244 per year

Is Malvern a good school?

Not to be out-ranked by the IB cohorts, Malvern College’s A-Level results are consistently ranked within the top 10% among UK independent schools. 29% of pupils attained A* to A grades while another 58% achieved A* to B grades.

Is Malvern College selective?

Admission and fees Malvern College is a selective school, and students hoping to enrol into Year 9 must sit the 13+ Common Entrance (CE) exam taken in June of the year of entry; entry for later years is also subject to an exam.

What are the best British schools in Egypt?

  • The British International School Cairo (BISC)
  • Cairo American College (CAC)
  • New Cairo British International School (NCBIS)
  • Maadi British International School (MBIS)
  • Modern English School Cairo (MES)
  • The International School of Choueifat.
  • American International School in Egypt (AISE)
  • Modern American School of Egypt.

What is the best British school in Cairo?

Best schools in Cairo considered by expats

  • British International School Cairo (The) (BISC)
  • Cairo American College.
  • Maadi British International School (MBIS)
  • Modern English School, Cairo (MES)
  • New Cairo British International School.
  • American International School in Egypt (AISE)
  • Cairo English School (CES)

How much does Dulwich College Cost?

Years 3 – 12 (Age 7 – 18)

Per Term Per Annum
Day Fees* (Junior School and Senior School) £7,224 £21,672
Weekly Boarders £14,136 £42,408
Full Boarders £15,078 £45,234

What is the girl equivalent to Eton?

Cheltenham Ladies College
Eton is a well-known British independent boarding school for boys, however is there a school for girls that is equivalent to Eton? One of the many schools equivalent for Eton is Cheltenham Ladies College. Cheltenham Ladies College is a boarding school for girls aged 13 to 18 years. It was founded in February 1954.

What is Malvern College known for?

Wrapped in the warm embrace of the glorious Malvern Hills, Malvern College is regarded as one of England’s great independent schools. With an admired and distinguished history, Malvern alumni have helped to shape the modern world of science, sport, literature and the arts for generations.


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