What was the main takeaway of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

What was the main takeaway of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Zimbardo’s conclusion was that we are not so much inherently “evil,” but that we will commit heinous acts if encouraged to do so by systems that enable or encourage them. He took his results to the U.S. House of Representatives shortly after the experiment ended, testifying before a subcommittee on prison reform.

What happened to the Stanford Prison Experiment students?

For six days, half the study’s participants endured cruel and dehumanizing abuse at the hands of their peers. At various times, they were taunted, stripped naked, deprived of sleep and forced to use plastic buckets as toilets. Some of them rebelled violently; others became hysterical or withdrew into despair.

What is the main point of the Stanford Prison Experiment quizlet?

What was the aim of Zimbardo’s ‘Stanford Prison Experiment? ‘ To investigate how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that simulated prison life.

What were the three types of prisoners in the Stanford Prison Experiment?

There were three types of guards. First, there were tough but fair guards who followed prison rules. Second, there were “good guys” who did little favors for the prisoners and never punished them. And finally, about a third of the guards were hostile, arbitrary, and inventive in their forms of prisoner humiliation.

What was the goal of the procedure for the experiment Commonlit?

[1]The aim of Zimbardo’s study was to investigate how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that simulated prison life.

What is the main point of discussion of Milgram’s obedience study?

What is the main point of the textbook discussion of Milgram’s obedience study? Individuals will obey authority to the point of potentially causing serious harm to another person.

What happened to prisoner #8612 after the experiment?

Realizing that something was really wrong with Doug, Zimbardo decided to let him leave the experiment. In order to keep up with the experiment and to make it more real for the participants, he told the rest of the inmates that Prisoner #8612 had been shipped off to a maximum security prison.

What did we learn from Milgram experiment?

– [Voiceover] The Milgram Study is one of the most famous studies in all of psychology, and it demonstrated that regular everyday people will comply with an authority figure even if it means going against their own moral values and harming others.

What does Milgram claim he discovered in the experiment?

The Milgram experiment proved that people will likely follow orders, even harmful ones, when instructed by an accepted authority figure. The Milgram experiment proved that people are more likely to harm others when placed in a position of power over another human being.

Which prisoner has a breakdown early in the experiment?

prisoner Douglas Korpi
But just 36 hours into the experiment, prisoner Douglas Korpi found himself in lockdown, sealed into a closet repurposed as a makeshift solitary confinement room. He soon experienced what has been described as a mental breakdown.

What did Milgram’s obedience experiments teach us about the power of social influence?

What did Milgram’s obedience experiments teach us about the power of social influence? Stanley Milgram’s experiments (in which people obeyed orders even when they thought they were harming another person – demonstrated that strong social influences can make ordinary people conform to falsehoods or give in to cruelty.

Why was Milgrams experiment important?

These experiments laid the foundation for understanding why seemingly decent people could be encouraged to do bad things. Blass states that Milgram’s obedience experiments are important because they provide a frame of reference for contemporary real-life instances of extreme, destructive obedience.


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