How does Essbase calculate database size?

How does Essbase calculate database size?

Total number of cells in a block: 50. 8 bytes per cell, so 50 * 8 = 400 bytes expanded block size. You have 2 sparse dimensions: Markets – 10 stored members.

What kind of database is Essbase?

multidimensional database management system
Essbase is a multidimensional database management system (MDBMS) that provides a platform upon which to build analytic applications. Essbase began as a product from Arbor Software, which merged with Hyperion Software in 1998.

Is Essbase a relational database?

Multidimensional databases, generally smaller than relational databases, offer sophisticated analytic capabilities. By integrating a relational database with an Essbase database, you leverage the scalability of the relational database with the conceptual power of the multidimensional database.

What is block density in Essbase?

Block Size In the Essbase Admin Guide they say blocks should be between 1-100Kb in size, but nowadays with more memory on servers this can be larger. My experience is to make blocks below 200-250 Kb but not less the 1-2Kb, but this is all dependent on the actual data density in the cube.

How blocks are created in Essbase?

Essbase stores data values in data blocks. Essbase creates a data block for each unique combination of sparse dimension members (providing that at least one data value exists for the combination). Each data block contains all the dense dimension member values for its unique combination of sparse dimension members.

How do you measure Essbase cube?

To find the size of an ASO database you can use the following MaxL command: Query database “dbs_name” get cube_size_info; This will display information about the input data size, aggregated data size, and number of queries tracked (when query tracking is enabled).

What is average clustering ratio in Essbase?

The average clustering ratio database statistic indicates the fragmentation level of the data (. pag) files. The maximum value, 1, indicates no fragmentation. To view the average clustering ratio for a database, use a tool: Tool.

What is dense and sparse in Essbase?

As soon as a planning application is created or a BSO Essbase cube, dimensions are tagged as either dense or sparse. A sparse dimension is one with a low percentage of available data positions filled. A dense dimension has a high probability that one or more cells is occupied in every combination of dimensions.

What is Essbase data block?

What is block size in Essbase?

The potential, expanded (uncompressed) size of each data block is based on the number of cells in a block and the number of bytes used for each cell. The number of cells is based on the number of stored members in the dense dimensions. Essbase uses eight bytes to store each intersecting value in a block.

How to start Essbase studio?

To start the Essbase Studio server on a Windows-based system, if the server was installed as a service, open the Windows Services management console and start the service named Hyperion Essbase Studio Service. Otherwise, from the Windows taskbar, select Start | Programs | Oracle EPM System | Essbase | Essbase Studio | Start Server.

What is Hyperion Essbase?

Oracle’s Hyperion Essbase is an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) server that provides an environment for rapidly developing custom multidimensional analytic and enterprise performance management applications. Essbase allows users to model, analyze, and interpret complex business problems and scenarios.

What is Oracle Hyperion Essbase?

Oracle Hyperion EssBase Introduction. Oracle Essbase is an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Server that provides an environment for deploying pre-packaged applications or developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications.

What is Essbase Oracle?

Oracle Essbase is an OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Server that provides an environment for deploying pre-packaged applications or developing custom analytic and enterprise performance management applications.


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