Does atrazine hurt corn?

Does atrazine hurt corn?

It is safe to use on corn and is competitively priced. Growers use atrazine because it controls weeds effectively and economically. Weeds in a cornfield reduce yield and quality, and corn competing with weeds will always be a problem because every agronomic field has a weed infestation capable of causing economic loss.

Will atrazine burn corn?

It is extremely important to note that atrazine and atrazine-containing products can only be applied on corn up to 12 inches in height. Most of the corn in the state is now past this stage, so other herbicide options will have to be utilized.

Can I spray atrazine on sweet corn?

“Atrazine is the single most widely used herbicide in sweet corn, applied to fields before crop emergence, after crop emergence, or at both times,” Williams said. “Manufacturers of many of the other herbicides recommend tank-mixing with atrazine to increase their products’ effectiveness.”

Why is corn resistant to atrazine?

Agronomy professor Alex Martin says atrazine works against broadleaf weeds without killing corn because corn has a natural immunity without genetic modification. “In contrast to 2, 4-D, the reason that Atrazine doesn’t kill a corn plant is not anything to do with the structure of the corn plant,” he says.

How do you apply Atrazine to sweet corn?

Application Timing–AAtrex, atrazine Preemergence—Apply during or shortly after planting before weed emergence. Postemergence—Apply before broadleaf weeds exceed 4 inches, grasses exceed 1.5 inches, and corn 12 inches in height. Include crop oil concentrate or crop oil.

Why is corn resistant to Atrazine?

Is corn sensitive to dicamba?

Dicamba-tolerant corn seeds aren’t available yet. Although corn is not as sensitive to the herbicide as soybeans, it still the raises the prospect that the damage would spread even further to non-targeted crops.

What crops can atrazine be used on?

What is atrazine? Atrazine is an herbicide widely used for control of broadleaf and grassy weeds. It is sprayed on row crops such as corn, sorghum and sugarcane, and in some areas is used on residential lawns. It has also been used on highway and railroad rights-of-way.

How do you use atrazine in maize farm?

Maize pre-emergent herbicide combinations: Metolachlor 1.5 Litres/ha + Atrazine 3 -5 Litres/ha. Mix these two herbicides in 200 litres of water and apply immediately after planting or within three days after planting when the soil is relatively moist.

How do you use atrazine on corn plants?

Contact herbicides are usually applied and are more effective when weeds are small. Thorough spray coverage is essential to achieve good results. Atrazine can be used as a postemergence treatment, before corn reaches 12 inches in height, to control certain annual broadleaves.

Why is corn tolerant to triazine and metribuzin?

Corn is tolerant to the triazine herbicides because it quickly deactivates these herbicides by binding them to naturally occurring plant chemicals. Soybean tolerance to metribuzin (Sencor, Lexone) is at least partially due to the deactivation of the herbicide by conjugating (i.e., binding) to plant sugar molecules.

What are the symptoms of atrazine injury in plants?

The first symptoms of atrazine injury on susceptible plants often are seen on leaf tips and then leaf margins [cucumber seedlings (left, above); soybeans (center, above) and rapeseed (right, above)]. Chlorosis, or yellowing, is also typically seen been the main vascular tissues: intervienal chlorosis.

How much atrazine do I use to control broadleaves?

Atrazine can be used as a postemergence treatment, before corn reaches 12 inches in height, to control certain annual broadleaves. Use 2.2 pounds of atrazine 9ODF, or 2 quarts of atrazine 4L plus 1 quart of COC per acre.


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