What are the different types of landslides?

What are the different types of landslides?

Landslides in bedrock

  • Rock falls. Single and small rock falls from cliffs build up to form aprons of scree or talus, sometimes developing over long time periods.
  • Rock slope failures. This group of landslides varies greatly in features.
  • Rotational landslides.
  • Debris flows.
  • Creep.
  • Solifluction.
  • Translational slides.

What is natural disaster landslide?

Landslides. Landslides occur when ground on slopes becomes unstable. The unstable ground collapses and flows down the side of a hill or mountain, and can consist of earth, rocks, mud and any debris which may be caught in its wake. If a landslide occurs near inhabited areas, it can cause a great deal of damage.

What are the major landslide in the Philippine history?

On the 17th of February 2006, a massive rock slide-debris avalanche occurred in the Philippine province of Southern Leyte, causing widespread damage and loss of life….2006 Southern Leyte mudslide.

Location Guinsaugon, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte, Philippines Southern Leyte province Southern Leyte province (Philippines)

How can you mitigate the impact of a landslide?

There are also various direct methods of preventing landslides; these include modifying slope geometry, using chemical agents to reinforce slope material, installing structures such as piles and retaining walls, grouting rock joints and fissures, diverting debris pathways, and rerouting surface and underwater drainage.

What are the 4 types of mass movement?

There are four different types of mass movement:

  • Rockfall. Bits of rock fall off the cliff face, usually due to freeze-thaw weathering.
  • Mudflow. Saturated soil (soil filled with water) flows down a slope.
  • Landslide. Large blocks of rock slide downhill.
  • Rotational slip. Saturated soil slumps down a curved surface.

What is the difference between landslide and landslip?

As nouns the difference between landslip and landslide is that landslip is the sliding of a mass of land down a slope or cliff; a landslide while landslide is a natural disaster that involves the breakup and downhill flow of rock, mud, water and anything caught in the path.

Is landslide a disaster or hazard?

Landslides are the most costly geo-hazard in the world, and they’re often the cause or the result of other hazards and disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions.

Is landslide a natural disaster or man made?

Yes, in some cases human activities can be a contributing factor in causing landslides. Many human-caused landslides can be avoided or mitigated. They are commonly a result of building roads and structures without adequate grading of slopes, poorly planned alteration of drainage patterns, and disturbing old landslides.

Why is landslide common in the Philippines?

The combination of mountainous and hilly regions that experience earthquakes as well as intense rainfall brought on by monsoons or typhoons, make the terrain naturally susceptible to landslides. As the country’s population continues to grow, many are settling in landslide-prone areas.

What are the common cause of landslide in the Philippines?

Though the exact cause of the landslide was still being determined as of February 22, heavy rains are probably to blame. Heavy rains drenched Leyte and Mindanao, the island immediately south of Leyte, through most of February, triggering widespread flooding.

What are mitigation strategies?

The mitigation strategy is made up of three main required components: mitigation goals, mitigation actions, and an action plan for implementation. These provide the framework to identify, prioritize and implement actions to reduce risk to hazards.

How would you mitigate a landslide and a sinkhole?

What will be the solutions for sinkholes?

  1. Check country offices, local or state geological surveys.
  2. Redirecting or blocking source of water.
  3. Avoid construction on wetlands.
  4. Sea water treatment.
  5. Recycling gray water run-offs.

What is a landslide in the Encyclopedia?

Resource Library | Encyclopedic Entry. landslide. A landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a sloped section of land. A landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a sloped section of land.

What is the most dangerous type of landslide?

Volcanic landslides, also called lahars, are among the most devastating type of landslides. The largest landslide in recorded history took place after the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in the U.S. state of Washington.

How does vegetation affect the risk of landslide?

Vegetation holds soil in place, and without the root systems of trees, bushes, and other plants, the land is more likely to slide away. A classic morphological cause of landslides is erosion, or weakening of earth due to water.

What is the volume of a typical landslide?

The resulting flow of ash, rock, soil, vegetation and water, with a volume of about 2.9 cubic kilometers (0.7 cubic miles), covered an area of 62 square kilometers (24 square miles). Another factor that might be important for describing landslides is the speed of the movement.


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