How long does it take to get exalted with the Klaxxi?

How long does it take to get exalted with the Klaxxi?

about 3 weeks
You will receive between 1,040 and 1,170 reputation every day (depending on the questing location of the day), so it will take about 3 weeks to reach exalted reputation with the Klaxxi.

How do you get Klaxxi Rep fast?

To grind rep with The Klaxxi, you’ll have to do a long questline in Dread Wastes. This should get you to Honored, where there are at least 6 quests available from the Klaxxi Elders you freed. At Revered, you free two more Elders, who give you additional daily quests.

How do I start Soggy’s Gamble quests?

The only way to start those quests is to get Gambling Problem from Ambersmith Zikk. And he won’t give you that quest until you have done some of the Klaxxi paragon quest line. The starter quest for these is Better Dead than Dread. Then up to The Root of the Problem, the ending part of Korven the Prime section.

Where do Shado-Pan quests start?

In order to begin quests with the Shado-Pan, you must get your rep with the Golden Lotus up to revered. Do a short questline and you’ll open the gates to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and once the gates are open, you should find a Golden Lotus quest chain at the Golden Pagoda.

How do I get Shado-Pan assault rep?

Defeating mobs in the Throne of Thunder raid instance will earn you reputation with the Shado-Pan Assault. You will earn reputation from defeating bosses once a week on any difficulty, including LFR, but only on your first kill for the week, regardless of difficulty.

Where are the Dread Wastes?

The Dread Wastes are an area of Pandaria, located south of Townlong Steppes and west of the Valley of the Four Winds and Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Separated from the rest of Pandaria by the Serpent’s Spine constructed during the rule of Lei Shen, the Dread Wastes are the home of the Mantid.

Where is Jaluu the generous?

Jaluu the Generous is, as of 5.4. 2, located below the terrace of the Shrine of Seven Stars just to the left of Xari the Kind.

Where can I find Zidormi?

Zidormi – in Blasted Lands near the road leading in from Swamp of Sorrows, she will send players to before the Iron Horde Invasion and back. Zidormi – at the Peak of Serenity in Kun-Lai Summit, she will send you to the Peak before the Legion attack and back.

What is the fastest way to grind Shado-Pan rep?

After reaching level 90, you will be able to increase your reputation with the Shado-Pan by doing daily quests at the Shado-Pan Garrison in the Townlong Steppes. There, you will have to attack nearby Yaungol, Mantid, and Mogu outposts.

Does Shado-Pan Monastery give rep?

The Shado-Pan daily hub is located in western Townlong Steppes. Daily quests are selected from three sets of quest hubs, which all give +250 rep, except for the final quest which is 350 rep. With each hub comes a special buff as well as a choice of three companions that will help DPS.

Does LFR give rep?

You will earn reputation from defeating bosses once a week on any difficulty, including LFR, but only on your first kill for the week, regardless of difficulty.


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