What is radio button in Visual Basic?

What is radio button in Visual Basic?

The RadioButton control is used to provide a set of mutually exclusive options. The user can select one radio button in a group. If you need to place more than one group of radio buttons in the same form, you should place them in different container controls like a GroupBox control.

How do I select multiple radio buttons in Visual Basic?

To create multiple groups of RadioButtons, you would need to add containers such as Panel or GroupBox and then put RadioButtons inside. After that, if user want to select radio button from each group, the user can able to select one radio button at a single time from one group.

How can I add radio button value in VB net?

checked = true then s = true elseif radiobutton2. checked = true then s = false end if cmd = New OleDbCommand(“Insert into table_petugas (name,status) Values (‘” & txtname. Text & “‘,'” & status & “‘ )”, conn) cmd. ExecuteNonQuery() MsgBox(“Data Saved!”, MsgBoxStyle.

How do you clear radio buttons in Visual Basic?

Find the button in the “Components” list and drag it onto the form. While the button is still selected, go to the “Properties” window on the bottom right of your screen and change its text property to read: “Clear Radio Buttons.”

What is the function of radio button?

A radio button or option button is a graphical control element that allows the user to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.

How do you use radio buttons?

Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. In other words, clicking a non-selected radio button will deselect whatever other button was previously selected in the list.

How do I group radio buttons in VB?

You group radio buttons by drawing them inside a container such as a Panel control, a GroupBox control, or a form. All radio buttons that are added directly to a form become one group. To add separate groups, you must place them inside panels or group boxes.

How option button works in Visual Basic?

In VB, frames are windows and will automatically group controls, such as option buttons, within them. This lets the system automatically require that only one option button within the same frame be chosen. It is standard practice within VB to segregate OptionButton controls within their own Frame control.

How do I find the value of a radio?

To get the value of selected radio button, a user-defined function can be created that gets all the radio buttons with the name attribute and finds the radio button selected using the checked property. The checked property returns True if the radio button is selected and False otherwise.

How can we store radio button value in database using servlet?

1 Answer

  1. Have a nullable gender column in your User table which accepts the set of values M or F (which stands for male or female).
  2. Have a form in your JSP which allows the user to select it.
  3. Have a servlet which listens on /servleturl and gathers the submitted value in doPost() .

How do you uncheck a radio button react?

To uncheck radio buttons in React, we can set the checked prop of the radio button to false . We have the checked state that we use to set the checked prop of each radio button. Then we set onChange to the changeRadio function.

How do I remove radio buttons in Excel?

Deleting Radio Buttons in Excel

  1. Go to Home –> Editing –> Find & Select –> Selection Pane.
  2. Select all the radio buttons that you want to delete (to select multiple radio buttons, hold the control key while selecting) and hit the delete key.


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