What is MOE registration number?

What is MOE registration number?

An employee’s MOE (Ministry of Education) number is a unique number, which is assigned to them when they are first added to Education Service Payroll. Note that this is not the same as a teacher’s registration number. The MOE number is used by the Novopay Service to identify the employee.

What is novopay password?

MOE number
Your password is your MOE number. If required, add zeroes at the front to make it a 7-digit number. If you need a payslip re-sent to you, complete the Payslip resend request form or ask your payroll administrator.

How do I find my payslip password?

The payslip passwords consist of:

  1. First 4 letters of the employee’s surname* (lowercase)
  2. First 4 characters of the NI number (lowercase). If the NI number is not there, then the employee’s birth year is used instead.

How many teachers are there in NZ?

of a growing workforce. In 2019, 6,445 teachers entered the workforce, at a rate of 9%; this is the highest it has been since 2010. Of the teachers entering the workforce in 2019, the majority were new to teaching in New Zealand classrooms (3,929 or 61%).

How do I contact novopay?

Phone: 0508 668 6729 (available 9.30am to 3.30pm weekdays) Email: [email protected].

How do I log into novopay?

Log in to Novopay Online If you are an authorised user, enter your user name and password in the Novopay Online login screen. Your user name is your 7-digit MoE number (which is not the same as your Teacher Registration number).

How do I view my payslip online?

Online access to the payslips for each employee is made possible through the online portal of AttendHRM called Employee Self Service. Login to ESS and move to ‘Payroll’ screen through the RHS menu. Users can find the list of payslips sorted Salary Period wise.

What percentage of teachers in NZ are female?

Primary education, teachers (% female) in New Zealand was reported at 84.23 % in 2018, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.

What if I can’t remember my Moe number?

If you can’t remember your MoE number, you can find it on a previous payslip, or ask your school’s payroll administrator. This is NOT the same as your teacher registration number. Novopay requires a 7-digit MoE number. If your MoE number is only 5 or 6 digits, add zeros to the front, e.g. 12345 becomes 0012345, and 123456 becomes 0123456.

What is an employee’s Moe number?

An employee’s MOE (Ministry of Education) number is a unique number, which is assigned to them when they are first added to Education Service Payroll. The MOE number is used by the Novopay Service to identify the employee.

How do I Find my Moe number on my payslip?

Your email payslip is password protected – use your MoE number. If you can’t remember your MoE number, you can find it on a previous payslip, or ask your school’s payroll administrator. This is NOT the same as your teacher registration number. Novopay requires a 7-digit MoE number.

What is a Moe number on Novopay?

MOE number. An employee’s MOE (Ministry of Education) number is a unique number, which is assigned to them when they are first added to Education Service Payroll. Note that this is not the same as a teacher’s registration number The MOE number is used by the Novopay Service to identify the employee.


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