What can I use for base under concrete?

What can I use for base under concrete?

Without crushed stone, pooling water will settle under it and erode your slab. Adding a layer of crushed stone will add proper drainage, as well as create a barrier between your slab and the ground.

Can you pour concrete on dirt?

Long story short, yes you can pour concrete over dirt.

Can I use concrete as a sub-base?

Any potential ‘soft-spots’ in the subgrade can allow the concrete to sink from the center or turn up from the edges. Owing to its inflexibility, the concrete slabs can crack. As concrete is highly compressed and heavy, it may crack under its own weight if not provided a suitable sub-base.

Can you use sand as a base for concrete?

Simply put, sand isn’t sturdy enough to work well as a subbase for something like a driveway. It is also difficult to maintain a level sand surface when pouring concrete, and therefore difficult to maintain a uniform thickness of the concrete slab.

Can I use pea gravel as sub-base?

While pea gravel can be used as a mulch alternative, garden border and other landscaping purposes, it is not the best choice for a patio base. If you use pea gravel beneath a patio, take a few simple steps to ensure the stability of the base before setting your surface stones, pavers or bricks.

Can you use 20mm gravel as sub-base?

0-20mm ballast is perfect for sub-base and concrete foundations. 20mm screened ballast is versatile and can be used on driveways, footpaths, oversite fill as well as sub-bases.

Is sand a good base for concrete?

Do I need a sub-base for my paving project?

The type of paving or surfacing that will be used is one of the key factors in determining whether a sub-base will be required. Some paving types, block paving for example, nearly always need a sub-base, while others, such as pattern imprinted concrete, may not need one, but wouldn’t be any less effective if one was to be included.

What is a subbase in a pavement?

Sub-bases aren’t included in a pavement just for fun – they are often the key load-bearing layer, and trying to save a few bob by using old house bricks or other rubbish you have lying around is often a false economy.

What is the best sub-base for a concrete slab?

The best sub-base for a concrete slab is gravel. The soil has to be prepped first before the gravel can be laid down; pouring concrete directly onto rock is not considered a best practice. Enjoy Low Rates and Step-By-Step Guidance.

What is the sub base of a driveway made of?

For typical paths, tracks, drives and car parks, the sub-base layer can be built using a combination of materials such as a higher quality stone above and low grade crushed concrete beneath. The materials used may be either unbound granular or bonded with a weak cement mix.


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