How much does it cost to make a WWE championship belt?

How much does it cost to make a WWE championship belt?

The average cost of a hand-crafted belt by Millican ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 each, but more elaborate belts have cost as much as $20,000. Some belts can be so complex, Millican said he can make as few as 60 to 70 a year. Right now, Millican has more than 100 projects in the works.

How much do custom belts cost?

Prices are determined by style, belt width and if you include a buckle or not. Prices range from $52 – $86 depending on the style of belt and the options you choose.

Who makes the belts for WWE?

Dave Millican
Meet Dave Millican, the champion of championship belt making. Millican has been making belts for WWE for the past six years, but he also works with a number of other smaller wrestling and mixed martial arts organizations.

Who made WWE?

Vince McMahon
Linda McMahon

Do WWE champions keep their belt?

But yes, champions bring their belts home with them. And to the airport and to any/every public appearance they make. The championship belt actually becomes theirs when they win it. When they lose the championship to a challenger, the actual belt stays with them.

Is UFC belt real gold?

In fact, two pounds (907 grammes) of the precious metal are required to help decorate the leather belts. The UFC also sells replica belts to the public are gold-plated and cost around $1,000. The finished product is 50 inches long, weighs 5.5lbs.

How much does a belt cost?

A typical serpentine belt start at around $25 and goes up to $75 at most. If you know some car repair basics, you could change the belt yourself, and it may save you paying labor charges somewhere between $75 and $120. All together, you’re looking at around $100 to $195 to replace your serpentine belt.

How to make a wrestling belt?

– Obtain a piece of scrap leather. You can get one of these at craft stores, country supply stores, or motorcycle supply shops. – A measuring tape will be needed for you to measure your belt. – You will need a large piece of cardboard to draw up a mock belt. – You will need a box cutter to cut the cardboard and a leather cutter to cut your leather.

How many belts or there in WWE?

There are 8 Championship belts in total. ECW Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States champion, Womens Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, World TagTeam Champion, WWE Chyampion and WWE TagTeam Champion. There’s 9 championships.

Are WWE belts real?

In pro wrestling, the moves may be fake choreographed, but the glittering gold-and-leather championship belts are very real. And while most of what happens at the WWE comes out of an enormously wealthy corporate powerhouse, CNN Money shows us the humble origins of those testosterone-cherished waist trophies: Dave Millican’s house in Tony, Alabama.

Meet Andrew Lazarchik from Wildcat Championship Belts, he makes the belts for WWE, TNA , Nathan’s Hot Dog Championship, and custom belts.


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