What happens if you side with the Templars in Dragon Age 2?

What happens if you side with the Templars in Dragon Age 2?

If you sided with the templars, you will have to fight your way into the Gallows, facing mages as well as demons. If Anders was allowed to leave, he will appear and taunt you before attacking, and you have to kill him.

How many endings does Dragon Age 2 have?

two endings
This page details the two endings to Dragon Age II. Naturally, this page contains spoilers.

Is there a way to save your mother in Dragon Age 2?

No matter which option you choose (with Gascard’s help or without), there is no way to save your mother from her unfortunate fate. Before Leandra dies, she tells Hawke that she is proud of them.

Where did Hawke go after Dragon Age 2?

The family moved to Lothering after Bethany’s magical abilities began to become apparent, but fled to the Free Marches after one of Dragon Age’s blights. Hawke eventually fled with other Fereldan refugees to the city-state of Kirkwall, where they rose to fame and fortune after a business venture into the Deep Roads.

What happens if you side with Templars?

If the player sides with the Templars, then the Mages serve Corypheus, and his second in command: Calpernia. Fans really preferred her to Samson when it came to interesting villains due to her back story. She is an ex-slave from Tevinter and a talented, capable leader.

Can Anders survive da2?

Note: This story takes place after the events of Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening and before Dragon Age II. Regardless of the events of Awakening, Anders becomes a Grey Warden, meets Justice and survives.

Does Dai have multiple endings?

There are “a few completely unique endings” with variations. Dragon Age: Inquisition having “40 major endings with variations” sounded a little excessive when producer Cameron Lee mentioned it last week.

How many endings does Dai have?

40 endings
Dragon Age: Inquisition has 40 endings, five major areas – rumour.

Can you save your sister in Dragon Age 2?

No, you cannot keep Bethany in your party. She will always leave. However, you can determine her fate. If you are a warrior or rogue, do not take her with you at the end of Act 1 unless you also bring Anders.

Is gascard DuPuis the killer?

Gascard DuPuis is dead As he couldn’t have been responsible for the shade attack on Emeric, the conclusion is that he was not the killer; the only storyline impact is the restriction imposed in the later quest, All That Remains.

Is Canon Hawke a mage?

Warrior or Rogue. Hawke being an apostate mage and a refugee in an area where the Templars are heavily cracking down on Mages takes me out of the game.

What is a Templar in Dragon Age 2?

Though the Chantry controls the lyrium trade, those with the right connections can acquire enough to emulate the abilities of these vigilant warriors. Templar is one of the specializations available to the warrior class in Dragon Age II. The templar specialist’s talents are focused on anti-magic combat.

What happened to Hawke in the Templar ending?

In the templar ending, Hawke becomes viscount, but thats pretty much it. The Seeker wanted to know the truth behind Hawke’s actions. She initially thought that Hawke and company all came from Ferelden with the intention of starting a conflict. Varric tells her that Hawke didn’t really want that, he just fled to Kirkwall from the Blight.

What does a Templar do in D&D?

The strong arm of the Chantry, templars serve as guardians of the Circles of Magi, hunters of apostates and maleficarum, and rarely, as a standing army at the command of the Divine. Through ingestion of carefully prepared lyrium, templars gain resistance to magic, including the ability to interrupt spells.

What is the role of a Templar?

For the specialization in other games, see Templar (Origins) and Templar (Inquisition). The strong arm of the Chantry, templars serve as guardians of the Circles of Magi, hunters of apostates and maleficarum, and rarely, as a standing army at the command of the Divine.


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