What does Del Aguila mean?

What does Del Aguila mean?

Spanish (del Águila): probably a habitational name from any of the places called El Águila, from águila ‘eagle’.

Is Tovar a Mexican name?

Tovar, usually preceded by the particle de (meaning from), is a surname that was adopted in the Middle-Ages by a Castilian noble house that received the lordship of the village of Tovar from Fernando III. It has since spread to several Spanish and a few Portuguese branches.

Is Tellez a Mexican name?

Téllez (meaning “son of Tello”) is a surname of Spanish origin.

Is Cuevas a Mexican name?

Spanish: topographical name from cueva ‘cave’, plural cuevas, or a habitational name from any of numerous places named with this word, for example in the provinces of Burgos and Málaga.

What is Halcon English?

halcón Noun. halcón, el ~ (m) hawk, the ~ Noun. falcon, the ~ Noun.

What is Rana in English?

British English: frog /frɒɡ/ NOUN. A frog is a small creature with smooth skin, big eyes, and long back legs which it uses for jumping. American English: frog /ˈfrɔg/

What does Tobar mean?

Spanish: habitational name from any of the places called Tobar, named with a collective noun derived from toba ‘tufa’ (a kind of light, porous volcanic rock). Similar surnames: Tober, Toral, Torr, Tovar, Hoar, Tabar, Kober, Tobias, Kozar, Tabor.

How common is the last name Tovar?

The last name Tovar is the 1,618th most widespread last name at a global level, held by around 1 in 21,605 people.

What nationality is the name Tellez?

Spanish (Téllez): patronymic from the medieval personal name Tellus, probably of Germanic origin.

What nationality is Cuevas?

Pablo Cuevas/Nationality

How rare is the last name Cuevas?

Cuevas Surname Distribution Map

Place Incidence Frequency
Dominican Republic 39,041 1:267
United States 36,401 1:9,957
Philippines 34,130 1:2,966
Chile 31,588 1:558


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