What is a synonym for the word stickler?

What is a synonym for the word stickler?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for stickler. authoritarian, disciplinarian, discipliner, martinet.

What is a Stickle?

1 : to contend especially stubbornly and usually on insufficient grounds. 2 : to feel scruples : scruple.

What do you call a person who is bland?

fuddy-duddy. nounold-fashion person. dotard. dull person. fogy.

What is a antonym for Stickler?

Opposite of a person who conforms to accepted behaviour or established practices. rebel. eccentric. nonconformist. Noun.

What do we call a person who insists on something?

Solution(By Examveda Team) One word substitution is Stickler. Disciplinarian: a person who believes in or practises firm discipline. Stickler: a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour. Instantaneous: occurring or done instantly. Boaster: a very boastful and talkative person.

Where does the term stickler come from?

Stickler: A Stickler is someone who unyieldingly insists on something. The earliest Sticklers were umpires or referees at wrestling or fencing matches. The word comes from the Anglo-Saxon Stihtan – to arrange or regulate.

What does scruple mean in English?

1 : a sense of right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something bad. 2 : a feeling of guilt from doing something bad. scruple. noun. scru·​ple | \ ˈskrü-pəl \

Is sticked a word?

Sticked is the past tense of to stick, meaning to poke someone or something. Simple past tense and past participle of stick.

What is a fussy person?

Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please. [disapproval] She is not fussy about her food. Synonyms: particular, difficult, exacting, discriminating More Synonyms of fussy.

What is another name for a boring person?

What is another word for boring person?

bore drag
droner dullsville
hassle nudnick
snoozer yawner
tedious person tiresome person

Is boaster a word?

One given to boasting: brag, braggadocio, braggart, bragger, vaunter. Informal: blowhard.

What is a insistent person?

1. The definition of insistent is demanding or persistent. An example of an insistent person is someone who keeps giving support for a lie, no matter how many times he is questioned or proved wrong. adjective. Urgent in dwelling upon anything; persistent in urging or maintaining.



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