What does PCH mean in R?

What does PCH mean in R?

Plot character
Plot character or pch is the standard argument to set the character that will be plotted in a number of R functions. Explanatory text can be added to a plot in several different forms, including axis labels, titles, legends, or a text added to the plot itself.

How do you change the legend in R?

Change legend size In order to change the legend size in R you can make use of the cex argument. Values bigger than 1 will lead to a bigger legend and smaller to smaller legends than the default.

What does Lty mean in R?

line type
In R base plot functions, the options lty and lwd are used to specify the line type and the line width, respectively. In ggplot2, the parameters linetype and size are used to decide the type and the size of lines, respectively.

How do I add a legend to an outside plot in R?

In order to draw our legend outside of the plotting area, we can use a combination of the “topright” argument and an additional specification of inset. The “topright” argument specifies that the legend should be in the upper right corner of the graph.

What does YLIM mean in R?

Let’s start with the ylim() function. It specifies the upper and lower limit of the y-axis. It is a fundamental function and can be used inside the ggplot() , plot() , and other plot functions as a parameter.

What does BTY mean in R?

The bty option in the R plot() function controls the box style of base. The bty option of the par() method allows the custom of the box around the plot. The shape of the letter represents the boundaries.

What is legend function r?

legend() function in R Language is used to add legends to an existing Plot. A legend is defined as an area of the graph plot describing each of the parts of the plot. The legend plot is used to show statistical data in graphical form. Syntax: legend(x, y, legend, fill, col, bg, lty, cex, title, text.font, bg)

How do I change the color of my legend in R?

To create the legend for a plot in base R, we can use legend function and if the background color of the legends needs to be changed from white to any other then bg argument in legend function will be used. For example, to change the background color to red then we can use bg=”red”.

What does Las mean in R?

las – A numeric value indicating the orientation of the tick mark labels and any other text added to a plot after its initialization. The options are as follows: always parallel to the axis (the default, 0), always horizontal (1), always perpendicular to the axis (2), and always vertical (3).

Which command will show a legend outside the plot area on the right and at the base of the plot?

legend(“bottomright”.) will add a legend to the bottom right of the device. Likewise, we can add the legend to the top or right margin.

What is Y Lim?

ylim( limits ) sets the y-axis limits for the current axes or chart. Specify limits as a two-element vector of the form [ymin ymax] , where ymax is greater than ymin . example. yl = ylim returns the current limits as a two-element vector.

What does XLIM mean in R?

xlim(x) is just a shortcut for scale_x_continuous(limits = x) so if you want to set both limits and expansion you need. scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0), limits = x) END QUOTE.

What is the symbol for PCH in R?

List of pch symbols. The most commonly used pch values in R, include: pch = 0, square. pch = 1, circle. pch = 2, triangle point up. pch = 3, plus. pch = 4, cross. pch = 5, diamond.

What are the different points symbols commonly used in R?

The different points symbols commonly used in R are shown in the figure below : The function used to generate this figure is provided at the end of this document. pch = 0,square. pch = 1,circle. pch = 2,triangle point up. pch = 3,plus. pch = 4,cross. pch = 5,diamond. pch = 6,triangle point down.

How to change point symbols in your base plots?

Change point symbols in R base plots. Use pch, cex and col to change, respectively, the symbols, the size and the color of points in R base plots: This section contains best data science and self-development resources to help you on your path.

What is the symbol for plotting symbols?

Plotting symbols 1 pch = 0,square 2 pch = 1,circle 3 pch = 2,triangle point up 4 pch = 3,plus 5 pch = 4,cross 6 pch = 5,diamond 7 pch = 6,triangle point down 8 pch = 7,square cross 9 pch = 8,star 10 pch = 9,diamond plus


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