Is there a Kenobi trailer?

Is there a Kenobi trailer?

There’s no official trailer for the Obi-Wan Kenobi series yet. The closest thing is the behind-the-scenes sneak peek (only available to Disney Plus subscribers) released on Disney Plus Day in November 2021.

Does Obi-Wan appear in rebels?

In Star Wars Rebels, set five years before A New Hope, Obi-Wan appears as a hologram in the pilot episode, “Spark of Rebellion”. In the Season 3 episode “Visions and Voices”, protagonist Ezra Bridger (voiced by Taylor Gray) discovers that Obi-Wan is alive on Tatooine; Obi-Wan’s old nemesis Darth Maul finds him as well.

What were Darth Maul’s last words?

The part of interest here is Maul’s last words: “he will avenge us.” After spending so much of his life hating Kenobi and seeking his demise, many fans may be confused by what seems like a last second change of heart, but as mentioned previously, at this point, Maul is only seeking Kenobi because he must.

Did Maul like Obi-Wan?

He had killed his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, for which Obi-Wan got his revenge by slicing the Sith in half. But after Maul took yet another person away from him, Obi-Wan absolutely hated Maul. The Jedi Master almost let his rage and anger get the best of him, growing close to the dark side before he rejected it.

Is Darth Maul in Kenobi?

Darth Maul Has Not Been Confirmed In The Kenobi Series.

How old is Ewan McGregor?

50 years (March 31, 1971)
Ewan McGregor/Age

Why did Obi-Wan not help the rebels?

Originally Answered: Why didn’t Obi Wan join the Rebels? He had to watch over Luke, thus he had to remain on Tatooine. He died shortly after leaving Tatooine with Luke, who did join the rebels.

How old was Obi-Wan in rebels?

Obi-Wan is listed in cannon (wookiepedia) as 57 then the first Death Star fell. Ewen just turned 50. But Alec Guiness who played Obi-Wan first was in his mid-60s. A little makeup can add more years.

What did maul say before he died?

Maul says he’ll avenge us because he knows that the Jedi’s version of the Chosen One is meant to exterminate the Sith. This is one of the most beautiful scenes in Star Wars. Originally Answered: When Obi-Wan Kenobi kills Darth Maul in season three of Rebels, what does Darth Maul mean when he says “he will avenge us”?

What did maul mean by avenge us?

This is something that they both have in common. The Chosen One is said to be the one that will destroy the Sith, so if the prophecy comes true (which it does, as we know from ROTJ), then they will be avenged.

Did Maul actually care about Ezra?

It soon became clear that Maul was indeed using Ezra and sought to have him as his apprentice, but was thwarted by Ezra’s master, Kanan. Despite using him, Maul seemed to have a slight fondness for Ezra, expressing confidence in the boy’s abilities and even saving his life twice.

Did Kenobi bury Maul?

Did Obi-Wan bury Darth Maul? No, he cremated him. A canon novel references a funeral pyre for Maul. Cremation is the traditional method of disposal for Jedi dead; Vader’s funeral pyre in Empire Strikes Back is one example, but Qui-Gon Jinn was also burned.


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