What is 0 multiplied infinity?

What is 0 multiplied infinity?

Any number multiplied by 0 is 0. Any number multiply by infinity is infinity or indeterminate. 0 multiplied by infinity is the question.

Is 0 times negative infinity indeterminate?

Infinite here means indefinitely finite. Therefore, Zero multiplied by infinity is zero, not indeterminate.

What does negative infinity mean?

Infinity is just a concept of endlessness, and can be used to represent numbers going on forever. Negative infinity is the opposite of (positive) infinity, or just negative numbers going on forever.

Why is 0 times infinity undefined?

Let say k is any constant, k/0 = infinity, this implies 0 * infinity = k, but k is any constant. K can take any value. So as there is no fixed value equal to 0 * infinity, meaning of 0 * infinity is ambiguous. Thus, 0 * infinity is undefined.

Is zero times zero defined?

The multiplication property of zero: Regardless of what the other number is, multiplying by zero always results in an answer of zero.

What is infinite infinite?

Originally Answered: What is infinity multiplied by infinity? Infinity is that which never comes to an end. infinity x infinity implies that which never ends is multiplied by that which never ends . Two finite numbers (both greater than 1) will always have a product that is greater than either of the original numbers.

Is zero minus infinity?

There are different classes of infinity. One class of infinity will not have a positive or negative infinity, in the same way that zero does not have a sign. Having said that, both zero and infinity can be approached from either the positive or the negative side of an extended vector.

Is infinity negative infinity?

It is impossible for infinity subtracted from infinity to be equal to one and zero. Using this type of math, it would be easier to get infinity minus infinity to equal any real number. Therefore, infinity subtracted from infinity is undefined.

What does infinity times infinity mean?

Infinity times infinity or infinity plus infinity: The double infinity symbol meaning essentially comes down to these two things. In jewelry though, the meaning is so much more than simple mathematics. Besides romance, double infinity meanings include equilibrium or balance, limitlessness, or absolute perfection.

What is infinity over infinity?

Your comment on this answer: Infinity is infinite, or a really large number that is impossible to count to. So, Infinity / Infinity would be infinity because infinity is infinite, so its forever counting, that is a trick question.

Can you infinity times infinity?

For example we can’t determine what infinity divided by infinity is, and if you add any real number to infinity it will still be infinity. And if you think of multiplication as just a quicker version of addition you will realize that infinity times infinity is still equal to infinity.

Is infinity infinity defined?

There is no answer to this. Since, infinity is not really a number, we cannot treat it in the same manner we treat “numbers” i.e we cannot perform mathematical calculations on Infinity. Due, to the above, what “minus” exactly means for infinity isn’t clear.

What is zero times infinity?

So, zero times infinity is an undefined real number. This is the definition of undefined. Therefore, zero times infinity is undefined. Another way of looking at this is that no one can EVER finish multiplying zero times infinity, therefore the answer will always be undefined.

Is infinity times zero?

I mean, infinity times zero is the same as zero an infinite amount of times, and adding zero infinitely would give zero because even though zero is always being added, this process is the same as nothing ever being added to zero. Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories on Phys.org.

What is infinity divided by 0?

Zero divided by any number, rational or irrational, would still be zero. —. However, division by infinity (or negative infinity) is not a defined operation. Although we can state that for any number a, a/ ∞ = 0 and a/- ∞ = 0 this is not an actual value of zero, but a limiting value for a number that approaches ∞ .

What is the equation for Infinity?

You can write down the formula in a lot of different ways, but here’s one way: 1 + ∞ = ∞ {\\displaystyle 1+\\infty =\\infty } . If you add one to infinity, you still have infinity; you don’t have a bigger number. If you believe that, then infinity is not a number.


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