What exactly is spiritualism?

What exactly is spiritualism?

spiritualism, in religion, a movement based on the belief that departed souls can interact with the living. Spiritualists sought to make contact with the dead, usually through the assistance of a medium, a person believed to have the ability to contact spirits directly.

What is the true meaning of spiritism?

(spĭr′ĭ-tĭz′əm) The belief that the dead communicate with the living; spiritualism. spir′it·ist n.

What does spiritualism mean in English?

Definition of spiritualism 1 : the view that spirit is a prime element of reality. 2a : a belief that spirits of the dead communicate with the living usually through a medium. b capitalized : a movement comprising religious organizations emphasizing spiritualism.

What’s the difference between spiritualism and spirituality?

Spirituality exists within the mind of a person. It is a condition or a state that is achieved by a person, may be after a long period of attempts and trials. Spiritualism, on the other hand, is a belief that the spirit of the dead has the ability and prefers to communicate with the living.

What is the biblical definition of spiritism?

As defined in The Spirits’ Book, the main principles of spiritism are: “God is the Supreme Intelligence-First Cause of all things.” “God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, all powerful, sovereignly just and good.”

Is Spiritual a religion?

Many people think that spirituality and religion are the same thing, and so they bring their beliefs and prejudices about religion to discussions about spirituality. Though all religions emphasise spiritualism as being part of faith, you can be ‘spiritual’ without being religious or a member of an organised religion.

Where can I find a Spiritualist Church?

Spiritualist Churches are notoriously hard to find and many of them are hidden away in some obscure back street in a town, village or city. To compound matters, most of them have little to no presence online and so it can be quite difficult to find a spiritualist church.

What is the meaning of spiritualist?

Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio. / ˈspɪr.ə.tʃu. ə l.ɪst /. someone who believes that living people can communicate with people who have died, especially someone who helps other people communicate with their dead family members: A spiritualist had told her he could give her a message from her dead husband.

What is a spiritualist view of the afterlife?

Spiritualism. Spiritualism is a religious movement based on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or the ” spirit world “, is seen by spiritualists, not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve.

What is the National Union of Spiritualists?

In the UK, the main organisation representing Spiritualism is the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU), whose teachings are based on the Seven Principles.


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