What is the 8-hour California OSHA regulatory exposure limit or PEL for naphthalene?

What is the 8-hour California OSHA regulatory exposure limit or PEL for naphthalene?

Naphthalene – A PEL of 0.04 ppm 8-hour TWA based on findings of cancer in test animals is the low end of what is being considered, and 0.75 ppm 8-hour TWA based on nasal tissue hyperplasia seen in test animals is the upper end.

What is OSHA’s standard permissible exposure limit or PEL?

The current PEL for OSHA standards are based on a 5 decibel exchange rate. OSHA’s PEL for noise exposure is 90 decibels (dBA) for an 8-hour TWA. Levels of 90-140 dBA are included in the noise dose. PEL can also be expressed as 100 percent “dose” for noise exposure.

How do you find PEL?

An example with values inserted would be if an employee was exposed to Substance A which has an eight-hour TWA of 100 ppm. The exposure is as follows: Two hours exposure at 150 ppm, two hours at 75 ppm and two hours at 50ppm (2×150 + 2×75 + 4×50)÷8 = 81.25 ppm .

What is the Cal OSHA permissible exposure limit for Trichloroethylene?

OSHA Construction and Maritime Industry PEL is 100 ppm (535 mg/m³) as an 8 hr TWA.

How is PEL measured and who regulates this for your state?

The Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) are limits for occupational exposure issued by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The levels are usually based on an average weighted time (TWA) of eight hours, although some levels are based on short-term exposure limits (STEL).

What is the PEL for chlorine?

1 ppm
OSHA: The legal airborne permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 1 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time. NIOSH: The recommended airborne exposure limit (REL) is 0.5 ppm, which should not be exceeded during any 15-minute work period.

What is PEL level?

The PEL or OSHA PEL is a legal, regulatory limit on the quantity or concentration an employee can be exposed to, such as Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) in the air. The levels are usually based on an average weighted time (TWA) of eight hours, although some levels are based on short-term exposure limits (STEL).

What is the difference between TWA and PEL?

A Time Weighted Average (TWA) is a TLV(R) based on a 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek. The Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL or OSHA PEL) is a TLV(R) established by OSHA in the U S for exposure of an employee to a substance or physical agent, and may differ from TLVs(R) in other jurisdictions.

Who regulates PEL in California?

California OSHA
California OSHA has established an extensive list of Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) that are enforced in workplaces under its jurisdiction.

What is PEL in confined space?

Permissible exposure limit (PEL) is the legal limit in the U.S. for maximum concentration of any chemical in the air to which a worker may be exposed continuously for eight hours without any danger to health and safety.

What is the OSHA PEL for toluene?

200 ppm
The PEL for toluene is 200 ppm, 8-hour time weighted average.

What is the PEL for CO2?

5,000 parts per million
OSHA has established a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for CO2 of 5,000 parts per million (ppm) (0.5% CO2 in air) averaged over an 8-hour work day (time-weighted average orTWA.)


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