Which fabric is used in Kasuti embroidery?

Which fabric is used in Kasuti embroidery?

Traditionally, this type of embroidery was done only on hand-woven cotton fabrics dyed in darker colors, using light colored cotton threads. The classic Kasuti embroidery sarees are the Ilkal sarees.

What is couching in needlework?

Basically, couching uses stitches to tack down a piece of thread, yarn, etc. to create a unique look and texture. The material being couched doesn’t actually penetrate the fabric, but rather sits on top of it.

What does the sewing term couching mean?

In embroidery, couching and laid work are techniques in which yarn or other materials are laid across the surface of the ground fabric and fastened in place with small stitches of the same or a different yarn. The couching threads may be either the same color as the laid threads or a contrasting color.

Which colors are used in Kasuti embroidery?

COLOURS: The colours mostly used for Kasuti are orange, green, purple and red.

What is Gujarati embroidery?

The Kutch Embroidery is a handicraft and textile signature art tradition of the tribal community of Kutch District in Gujarat, India. The embroidery, practiced normally by women is generally done on fabrics of cotton, in the form of a net using cotton or silk threads.

What is Romanian stitch?

noun. Needlework. A long straight stitch across an area to be filled, secured with a short oblique stitch across the centre.

What is a chevron stitch?

A chevron is a v-shape either singular or in a line. If you look at the chevron stitch in hand embroidery, it is simply a row of v shapes or zig zag with a little cross cap at each top and the bottom. It is a very geometric stitch that looks great for borders and modern designs.

What is Kasuti embroidery?

Since Kasuti embroidery is a continuous stitch without any knots, it is important especially for beginners to prepare a design from beforehand. Graph paper is one of the ways in which the designs can be made. Next comes the transferring of the design onto the fabric.

What is Kasuti and how is it made?

The word ‘Kasuti’ is made by joining two words ‘Kai’ which means hand and ‘Suti’ which means cotton, thus making it an art form done with thread on cotton fabric using one’s own hands.

Which flowers are used in Kasuti designs?

Lotus flowers (center) are widely used, as are other flowers, animals, shells and plenty of borders. Many are inspired by temples in the Karnatak region. Like blackwork or other counted thread techniques, kasuti embroidery designs are worked on a grid.

What is the double-running stitch style in Kasuti?

Kasuti patterns that use gavanti and murgi stitches typically look like they are worked with backstitch, but that wouldn’t produce the same look on the front and back. To create the designs with the double-running stitch style, the lines are made with multiple passes. On a single pass of stitching, every stitch usually goes the same direction.


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