How much does Naspa conference cost?

How much does Naspa conference cost?

If your institution is NOT a member, you can join as an associate affiliate member for $242. Both membership types provide access to the individual member rate for the event….

NASPA Member
$125 $145 $190
Non Member
$225 $245 $290

What are the Naspa regions?

Discover your region or area below.

  • Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Read More.
  • MENASA. Read More.
  • Region I. Read More.
  • Region II. Read More.
  • Region III. Read More.
  • Region IV-E. Read More.
  • Region IV-W. Read More.
  • Region V. Read More.

What does Naspa stand for?

National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Historically, NASPA stands for National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. However, we have updated the name of the association to NASPA, Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

What is student affairs in higher education?

The field known as student affairs in higher education is made up of professionals dedicated to supporting the academic and personal development of individuals attending college or university. Other common names for this sector include student services, student success or student personnel.

How many people attend Naspa annual conference?

8,300 participants
The NASPA Annual Conference is the premier student affairs professional development event. With over 8,300 participants and exhibitors, the 2021 NASPA Virtual Conference was the Association’s largest conference to date.

Why is assessment important in student affairs?

Student affairs assessment that can lead to improved student learning asks penetrating questions about the student experience and gathers evidence of students learning and growing through the services provided by student affairs.

How do I get involved in Naspa?

Regardless of how much time you have to give, find your perfect opportunity in Volunteer Central. Learn through reviewing a conference proposal….Connect & Volunteer

  1. Log into your NASPA profile.
  2. Ensure that the profile reflects your current interest areas.
  3. Search and browse all open postings.
  4. Apply today!

Is NASPA a non profit?

There are several ways to get involved with NASPA as a Corporate or Non-Profit entity: Learn about and join today with a Corporate or Non-Profit Membership.

What is NASPA Journal?

NASPA journals feature peer-reviewed research in student affairs, serving higher education communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, scholarship, and the spirit of inquiry. Please review each journal’s article submission guidelines prior to submission.

Is Student Affairs a good career?

Student affairs can be a very tough, unforgiving, and challenging career. There are so many functional areas of the field. They include student activities, residential life, academic advising, orientation, opportunity programs, and admissions just to name a few.

What is the difference between Student Affairs and student services?

On one side of the coin is “student affairs” with an emphasis on student learning and development and on the other side is “student services” with an emphasis on providing services that support students to realize their educational goals.

Who wrote the student personnel point of view 1937?

The student personnel point of view

Author: American Council on Education. Committee on Problems and Plans in Education.
Publisher: Washington, D.C. : American Council on Education, 1937.
Series: American Council on Education studies., Series I,, Reports of committees and conferences ;, no. 3.


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