How do I go from one page to another in CodeIgniter?

How do I go from one page to another in CodeIgniter?

You can move from one view to another in Codeigniter using the base_url() method in the anchor tag in the view file. You have to pass base_url(‘/link-to-visit’) method to the anchor tag, create a route, controller method, and view file on which you want to visit.

How do I create a new page in CI?

The first thing in creation of static page is setting up a controller.

  1. A controller is a class that helps delegate work.
  2. For this you have to create a file pages. php in CodeIgniter/application/controllers i.e. the path of pages.
  3. Write the following code inside pages. php file:

Do people still use CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter is still exist but the name of this framework has become synonymous with a low-quality solution that is why we advise you Laravel as a better alternative. Both Laravel and CodeIgniter are open-source PHP framework.

Is CodeIgniter fast?

CodeIgniter is Fast Really fast. We challenge you to find a framework that has better performance than CodeIgniter.

How do I find my default controller in CodeIgniter?

CodeIgniter can be told to load a default controller when a URI is not present, as will be the case when only your site root URL is requested. To specify a default controller, open your application/config/routes. php file and set this variable: $route[‘default_controller’] = ‘ Blog ‘;

Why is CodeIgniter bad?

CodeIgniter is not what most people would consider a secure framework. Mostly that is in part due to its age. It’s an old framework, and doesn’t make use of newer functionality that exists within PHP. Because of that, it’s had to write a lot of its security stuff itself.

Should I use CodeIgniter 3 or 4?

CodeIgniter 4 has a much more efficient autoload process, and one of the factors that help is the use of namespaces. While in CodeIgniter 3 it is necessary to manually configure most of the files to be loaded.

Should I learn CodeIgniter or Laravel?

Codeigniter is better for a beginner, but Laravel is better. One of the big differences is that Laravel actively teaches you about other components in the PHP World, Symfony, Carbon, etc. It teaches REST, MVC, testing, Gulp, Queueing, and much more.

Is Laravel better than CodeIgniter?

Comparison between Laravel and Codeigniter Ultimately, Laravel is a better framework than CodeIgniter majorly due to the coding pattern which is the most favored for its elegant look. Along with this, it also supports robust application development in no time.

What is Get_instance in CodeIgniter?

get_instance() is a function defined in the core files of CodeIgniter. You use it to get the singleton reference to the CodeIgniter super object when you are in a scope outside of the super object.


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