How does CICS Transaction Gateway work?

How does CICS Transaction Gateway work?

CTG provides an API (the External Call Interface or ECI) to call CICS transactions on the mainframe. Sun’s CICS Adapter uses this ECI method to connect to CICS. The CICS Adapter connects to CICS with CTG running on a local-host, on a second computer, or on the mainframe.

What is IBM CICS Transaction Gateway?

IBM® CICS® Transaction Gateway is a connector for enterprise modernization of CICS assets. It empowers various application platforms to incorporate CICS, including Java® servlets, applets, Microsoft™ . NET framework based applications, C and COBOL applications.

What is CICS on mainframe?

CICS (Customer Information Control System) is middleware that sits between the z/OS IBM mainframe operating system and business applications. CICS online application programs — including interfaces to files and databases — constructed with COBOL have been a mainstay on IBM mainframes for more than five decades.

What initiates CICS transaction?

You start a CICS transaction by pressing the CLEAR key to clear the screen, and entering the transaction identifier, either by itself or followed by data, on the command line of the screen. The command line is a single line, usually at the top of the screen.

How do I create a transaction in CICS?

How do I start a CICS transaction from JCL?

Using JCL to initiate CICS commands

  1. Edit your JCL to use the MVS command MODIFY.
  2. Follow the MODIFY command with the job name or task ID of the CICS region you are addressing, followed by the CICS commands.
  3. Submit the JCL. The following sample job shows how you might submit commands in this way.

How do you call a transaction in CICS?

Type CEDF and press enter in the CICS region. The terminal is in EDF mode message will be displayed. Now type the transaction id and press the enter key. After initiation, with each enter key, a line is executed.

How do you find the transaction for a CICS program?

There’s only a few ways that I know of to find out the transaction associated with a program:

  1. Use CEMT online.
  2. Use CEDA, CEDB, or CEDC online.
  3. Look at a CSD file extracted from the online system.
  4. Ask a CICS support person.
  5. In the program, display (in some form) the EIBTRNID variable. Back to top.

How do I run a CICS transaction?

How transaction is initiated in CICS?

Below are the different ways of transaction initiation process.

  • Entering the trans ID on native region. Example: If CST1 is the transaction ID to display the main customer details screen.
  • By Using START command.
  • Using PLT (Program List Table):
  • By Using Return TRANSID:
  • Using TDQ ATI:
  • By Assigning Trans-ID to PF/PA keys:

How do I call CICS Transactions on the mainframe?

CTG provides an API (the External Call Interface or ECI) to call CICS transactions on the mainframe. The ECI allows a non-CICS application program to call a CICS program in a CICS server. Sun’s CICS Adapter uses this ECI method to connect to CICS.

IBM® CICS® Transaction Gateway is a connector for enterprise modernization of CICS assets. It empowers various application platforms to incorporate CICS, including Java® servlets, applets, Microsoft™.NET framework based applications, C and COBOL applications.

What is CTG in IBM CICS?

IBM CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) CTG provides an API (the External Call Interface or ECI) to call CICS transactions on the mainframe. The ECI allows a non-CICS application program to call a CICS program in a CICS server. Sun’s CICS Adapter uses this ECI method to connect to CICS.

What is the external Call Interface (ECI) for CICS?

CTG provides an API (the External Call Interface or ECI) to call CICS transactions on the mainframe. The ECI allows a non-CICS application program to call a CICS program in a CICS server.


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