What is the meaning of Yeats poem the Second Coming?

What is the meaning of Yeats poem the Second Coming?

“The Second Coming” was intended by Yeats to describe the current historical moment (the poem appeared in 1921) in terms of these gyres. Yeats believed that the world was on the threshold of an apocalyptic revelation, as history reached the end of the outer gyre (to speak roughly) and began moving along the inner gyre.

What does William Butler Yeats symbolize with the rough beast that slouches towards Bethlehem in his poem the Second Coming?

Of great significance in Yeats’ poem is the “rough beast,” apparently the Anti-Christ, who has not been born yet. And most problematic is that the rough beast is “slouch[ing] towards Bethlehem to be born.” The question is, how can such an Anti-Christian creature be slouching if it has not yet been born?

What is the main purpose of the Second Coming?

Second Coming, also called Second Advent or Parousia, in Christianity, the future return of Christ in glory, when it is understood that he will set up his kingdom, judge his enemies, and reward the faithful, living and dead.

What is the significance of the falconer in the poem The Second Coming discuss?

The falconer in “The Second Coming” is generally thought to represent Christ. The Christian historical epoch, or “gyre” as Yeats calls it, is drawing to a close. In its stead will come a new era marred by chaos, bloodshed and disorder.

What is the best and the worst in the poem The Second Coming?

Yeats is referring to sides in the Irish political conflict, complaining that “the best” won’t commit to a full-out rebellion against the English, while the worst are loud and boisterous, but ineffective in their actual actions.

What poetic form is The Second Coming?

blank verse
The Second Coming” is written in blank verse, which means that has a consistent meter but no rhyme scheme. With 22 lines divided into two stanzas, it does not appear to follow a particular formal tradition. However, notice that the second stanza has fourteen lines, making it the same length as a sonnet.

What is the tone of the poem The Second Coming?

In poetry, tone is the feeling a writer projects through word choice, imagery and subject. The foreboding tone of Irishman William Butler Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming” — a vision of social upheaval — can make a reader feel moody and worried.

What kind of mythological creature is featured in the poem the Second Coming?

His seminal poetic work, The Second Coming, can be read in the light of the ancient Indian myth of Narasimha avatar, the hum-animal hybrid incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

How does the repetition of the phrase the Second Coming?

PART A: How does the repetition of the phrase “The Second Coming” in lines 10-11 contribute to the tone of the poem? The repetition emphasizes the speaker’s worry and contributes to the fearful tone.

What does the Sphinx symbolize in the Second Coming?

As soon as Yeats introduces the idea of a Second Coming as salvation, he uses his most powerful symbol — the Sphinx — to offer his prediction of the future of the world and of humanity. Its power is gone, and the hour of the “rough beast” — the Sphinx, an allusion to pre-Christian religion — has come around again.

What does Yeats mean by “the Second Coming?

“The Second Coming,” of course, refers to the Christian prophecy in the Bible’s Book of Revelation that Jesus will return to reign over Earth in the end times. But Yeats had his own mystical view of the history and future end of the world, embodied in his image of the “gyres,” cone-shaped spirals that intersect…

What is the meaning of the poem the Second Coming?

It’s no wonder the poet’s words convey his sense that the world he knew was coming to an end. “The Second Coming,” of course, refers to the Christian prophecy in the Bible’s Book of Revelation that Jesus will return to reign over Earth in the end times.

What does Yeats mean by gyres?

But Yeats had his own mystical view of the history and future end of the world, embodied in his image of the “gyres,” cone-shaped spirals that intersect so that each gyre’s narrowest point is contained inside the widest part of the other.

What is “the Second Coming of Jesus?

“The Second Coming,” of course, refers to the Christian prophecy in the Bible’s Book of Revelation that Jesus will return to reign over Earth in the end times.



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