Can you put SQL in HTML?

Can you put SQL in HTML?

You can produce HTML from SQL because SQL Server has built-in support for outputting XML, and HTML is best understood as a slightly odd dialect of XML that imparts meaning to predefined tags. There are plenty of edge cases where an HTML structure is the most obvious way of communicating tables, lists and directories.

How do you comment out a SQL query?

Comments Within SQL Statements

  1. Begin the comment with a slash and an asterisk (/*). Proceed with the text of the comment. This text can span multiple lines.
  2. Begin the comment with — (two hyphens). Proceed with the text of the comment. This text cannot extend to a new line.

Are there comments in SQL?

In SQL, you can comment your code just like any other language. Comments can appear on a single line or span across multiple lines.

How do I link a SQL database in HTML?

For this you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Filter your HTML form requirements for your contact us web page.
  2. Step 2: Create a database and a table in MySQL.
  3. Step 3: Create HTML form for connecting to database.
  4. Step 4: Create a PHP page to save data from HTML form to your MySQL database.
  5. Step 5: All done!

What is SQL in HTML?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a standard language for accessing databases.

How do you comment a line in SQL procedure?

To create line comments you just use two dashes “–” in front of the code you want to comment. You can comment out one or multiple lines with this technique. In this example the entire line is commented out.

How do I add text to output in SQL?

SQL Server Concat With +

  1. Add 2 strings together: SELECT ‘W3Schools’ + ‘.com’;
  2. Add 3 strings together: SELECT ‘SQL’ + ‘ is’ + ‘ fun!’;
  3. Add strings together (separate each string with a space character): SELECT ‘SQL’ + ‘ ‘ + ‘is’ + ‘ ‘ + ‘fun!’;

How do you comment a table in SQL?

Use the COMMENT statement to add a comment about a table, view, materialized view, or column into the data dictionary. To drop a comment from the database, set it to the empty string ‘ ‘. See Also: “Comments” for more information on associating comments with SQL statements and schema objects.


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