How do I substring a date in SQL?

How do I substring a date in SQL?

Using the SQL Server SUBSTRING function, the input values are truncated using CHARINDEX or PATINDEX function to get the date-time value. And then the derived string is type-casted to DateTime so that it can be used to compare with other DateTime values.

What does substring do in SQL?

SUBSTRING in SQL is a function used to retrieve characters from a string. With the help of this function, you can retrieve any number of substrings from a single string.

What is returned by substr?

The SUBSTR function returns a portion of string, beginning at a specified character position, and a specified number of characters long. To retrieve a portion of string based on bytes, use SUBSTRB. Return Value. The return value is the same data type as string.

How do I substring in mssql?

SQL Server SUBSTRING() Function

  1. Extract 3 characters from a string, starting in position 1: SELECT SUBSTRING(‘SQL Tutorial’, 1, 3) AS ExtractString;
  2. Extract 5 characters from the “CustomerName” column, starting in position 1:
  3. Extract 100 characters from a string, starting in position 1:

How do you check a string contains a substring in SQL?

We can use the CHARINDEX() function to check whether a String contains a Substring in it. Name of this function is little confusing as name sounds something to do with character, but it basically returns the starting position of matched Substring in the main String.

How do I use substr on a date string?

substr (to_char (to_date (’01-02-2018′,’mm-dd-yyyy’), ‘DD-MON-RR’),4,3) Therefore, the substr is working on the string 02-JAN-18, and the 3 characters starting from the 4th character is JAN. Rather than use substr on a date, you would do better to use to_char instead, e.g.: to_char (to_date (’01-02-2018′, ‘mm-dd-yyyy’), ‘MON’)

What is substring function in SQL Server?

Transact-SQL reference for the SUBSTRING function. This function returns a portion of a specified character, binary, text, or image expression. SUBSTRING (Transact-SQL) – SQL Server | Microsoft Docs

How do I convert a date to a string?

When you apply a text function directly to something that’s of DATE datatype, you force an implicit conversion of the date into a string. This conversion uses the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter to decide the format of the output string.

What is the return type of the string?

The returned string is the same type as the specified expression with the exceptions shown in the table. The values for start and length must be specified in number of characters for ntext, char, or varchar data types and bytes for text, image, binary, or varbinary data types.


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