What is the number 70 in Spanish?

What is the number 70 in Spanish?

Spanish numbers 50-100

Numeral In Spanish
68 sesenta y ocho
69 sesenta y nueve
70 setenta
71 setenta y uno

What are the Spanish numbers 1 100 accents?

The four numbers on this list that have accent marks are: dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis….Counting from 0 to 100 in Spanish

  • uno.
  • dos.
  • tres.
  • cuatro.
  • cinco.
  • seis.
  • siete.
  • ocho.

What number is Catorce?

Cardinal Numbers

once eleven 11
doce twelve 12
trece thirteen 13
catorce fourteen 14
quince fifteen 15

What number is Veinte?

1 – 100 Spanish Numbers

1 uno 2 dos 5 cinco
11 once 12 doce 15 quince
16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 20 veinte
21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis 27 veintisiete 30 treinta

What number is Veintidós?

twenty-two | Translation of VEINTIDÓS into English by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of VEINTIDÓS in.

What number is veintiuno?

Cardinal Numbers

veinte twenty 20
veintiuno / veinte y uno twenty-one 21
veintidós / veinte y dos twenty-two 22
veintitrés / veinte y tres twenty-three 23
veinticuatro / veinte y cuatro twenty-four 24

How do you count numbers in Spanish?

To count in Spanish, first master the Spanish words for 0 through 9, since they form the basis of many larger numbers. Then, learn the numbers 10 through 19, which are either derived from their single digit counterparts, or a combination of the word for 10 plus their single digit counterparts.

How to spell Spanish numbers?

1. uno

  • 2. dos
  • 3. tres
  • 4. cuatro
  • 5. cinco
  • 6. seis
  • 7. siete
  • 8. ocho
  • 9. nueve
  • 10. diez
  • 11. once
  • 12. doce
  • 13. trece
  • 14. catorce
  • 15. quince
  • 16. dieciséis
  • 17. diecisiete
  • 18. dieciocho
  • 19. diecinueve
  • 20. veinte
  • 21. veintiuno
  • 22. veintidós
  • 23. veintitrés
  • 24. veinticuatro
  • 25. veinticinco
  • 26. veintiséis
  • 27. veintisiete
  • 28. veintiocho
  • 29. veintinueve
  • 30. treinta
  • 31. treinta y uno
  • 32. treinta y dos
  • 33. treinta y tres
  • 40. cuarenta
  • 41. cuarenta y uno
  • 42. cuarenta y dos
  • 50. cincuenta
  • 60. sesenta
  • 70. setenta
  • 80. ochenta
  • 90. noventa
  • 100. ciento ( cien)
  • 101. ciento uno
  • 102. ciento dos
  • 103. ciento tres
  • 110. ciento diez
  • 199. ciento noventa y nueve
  • 200. doscientos
  • 201. doscientos uno
  • 202. doscientos dos
  • 203. doscientos tres
  • 251. doscientos cincuenta y uno
  • 252. doscientos cincuenta y dos
  • 300. trescientos
  • 400. cuatrocientos
  • 500. quinientos
  • 600. seiscientos
  • 700. setecientos
  • 800. ochocientos
  • 900. novecientos
  • 1.000. mil
  • 2.000. dos mil
  • 3.000. tres mil
  • 3.333. tres mil trescientos treinta y tres
  • 1.000.000. un millón
  • mil millones
  • How to count in Spanish?

    – One (1) is uno (OO-noh). – Two (2) is dos (dohs). – Three (3) is tres (trehs). – Four (4) is cuatro (KWAHT-roh). – Five (5) is cinco (SEENK-oh).

    What is the number 10 in Spanish?

    Number 10 in Spanish. In Spanish, 10 is written “diez”, and pronounced like “dee-ehs”. The numeral ten is a masculine noun ( el diez ). The plural form (rarely useful) is (los) dieces . As an adjective, the masculine and feminine forms are the same…


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