Why is Ataturk important?

Why is Atatürk important?

Atatürk came to prominence for his role in securing the Ottoman Turkish victory at the Battle of Gallipoli (1915) during World War I. Following the defeat and dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, he led the Turkish National Movement, which resisted mainland Turkey’s partition among the victorious Allied powers.

What is Republicanism history?

Republicanism is a political ideology centered on citizenship in a state organized as a republic. Historically, it ranges from the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy to popular sovereignty. Republics recurred subsequently, with, for example, Renaissance Florence or early modern Britain.

What is the meaning of Kemalism?

Kemalism. Kemalism ( Turkish: Kemalizm ), also known as Atatürkism ( Turkish: Atatürkçülük, Atatürkçü düşünce ), or the Six Arrows ( Turkish: Altı ok ), is the founding ideology of the Republic of Turkey. Kemalism, as it was implemented by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was defined by sweeping political, social,…

What is a Kemalist republic?

The Kemalist republic is a unitary state in which three organs of state govern the nation as a single unit, with one constitutionally created legislature.

Was Kemalism a tutelary democracy?

Partly impressed by the Westernist reformist and laicist character of “cultural Kemalism,” most interpreters — Turkish and foreign alike — have designated Kemalism as a tutelary democracy overlooking or playing down the severely antidemocratic essence of “political Kemalism” both as an ideology and as a regime.

What were the roots of Kemalist secularism in Turkey?

The roots of Kemalist secularism lie in the reform efforts in the late Ottoman Empire, especially the Tanzimat period and the later Second Constitutional Era. The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic state in which the head of the Ottoman state held the position of the Caliph.


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