How can I get better at binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy?

How can I get better at binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy?

Indirect Ophthalmoscopy 101

  1. Dilate properly. To conduct a good peripheral exam, the patient’s eyes must be well dilated.
  2. Position the patient for optimal viewing.
  3. Choose the right lens.
  4. Minimize lens distortion.
  5. Adjust the indirect headset.
  6. Depress the sclera.
  7. Ask for help when you need it.

What is the principle of indirect ophthalmoscope?

In summary, the purpose of the ophthalmoscopy lens in indirect ophthalmoscopy is to redirect diverging pencils of light emerging from the patient’s pupil toward the observer’s eye. In doing so, the lens also focuses parallel rays within each pencil into an inverted aerial image of the patient’s fundus.

What is the difference between direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy?

Direct ophthalmoscopy one that produces an upright, or unreversed, image of approximately 15 times magnification. Indirect ophthalmoscopy one that produces an inverted, or reversed, image of 2 to 5 times magnification.

What is Hruby lens?

Hruby lens (Figure 1 & 2) is a high minus (originally -58.6 D) non-contact lens mounted on the slit lamp for stability. It provides a high resolution, upright image of structures in the posterior pole. …

Why is it called indirect ophthalmoscope?

BIO is one of the ways used to view the retina, with a wide field of the retina and stereoscopic view. BIO also allows dynamic observation of the retina by moving the BIO device, lens, and applying scleral depression. The process is “indirect” because the fundus is viewed through a hand held condensing lens.

Which filters are used in indirect ophthalmoscope?

Cobalt blue filter is used along with fluorescein dye for angioscopy. A larger aperture light spot is used for a fully dilated pupil and intermediate and smaller apertures for a smaller or undilated pupil. Diffuse light filters and yellow filters make the illumination less bright and comfortable to the patient.

What is laser indirect ophthalmoscopy?

Binocular laser indirect ophthalmoscopy (LIO), introduced in the early 1980s,1 is an essential tool for retinal specialists. For patients under general anesthesia, including pediatric or uncooperative patients, standard laser treatments using a slit lamp may be difficult and sometimes impossible.

Why indirect ophthalmoscope is called indirect?

Why is indirect ophthalmoscopy preferred over direct ophthalmoscopy?

This challenging skill gives a magnified, monocular image. In contrast, indirect ophthalmoscopy as regularly used by Ophthalmologists allows a wide field, binocular view. Conclusion Although indirect ophthalmoscopy provides better views of the retina, students are more confident using direct ophthalmoscopy.

What is a Gonio lens?

Gonioscopy is performed during the eye exam to evaluate the internal drainage system of the eye, also referred to as the anterior chamber angle. A special contact lens prism placed on the surface of the eye allows visualization of the angle and drainage system.

What is the binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy procedure?

The binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) procedure is a common way to view the retina by projecting three elements in the eye. The BIO procedure provides a three-dimensional rendition of the patient’s interior eye, which allows for a much more thorough exam.

How do I choose the right lens for indirect ophthalmoscopy?

Choose the right lens. You have two main options for indirect ophthalmoscopy. 20 D: The most commonly used binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) lens, the 20-D double aspheric lens has magnification up to 3.13°— and a 60° dynamic field of view. Use the 20-D lens to evaluate macular and peripheral pathology. 28 D: Initially,…

What are binocular ophthalmoscopes used for?

Some binocular ophthalmoscopes are used as aids for teaching, which allows the lead physician to exhibit diagnostic and procedural information to optometry students in the process of conducting an ocular exam. For increased efficiency, there are several BIO accessories available. What Is Monocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy Procedure?

What are the different types of ophthalmoscopes?

Almost everyone in America who has been to a standard medical practitioner or ever had an eye exam has come into contact with a direct ophthalmoscope. Indirect ophthalmoscopes are then broken into two subcategories that include binocular indirect ophthalmoscopes and monocular indirect ophthalmoscopes.


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