What time is it in Melbourne GMT?

What time is it in Melbourne GMT?

GMT +11
Time Zone in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Current: AEDT — Australian Eastern Daylight Time
Next Change: AEST — Australian Eastern Standard Time
Current Offset: UTC/GMT +11 hours
Difference: 16 hours ahead of New York

What time zone does Melbourne Australia use?

Australian Eastern Standard Time
Daylight saving

Time zone State or territory City
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) Queensland Brisbane
Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) New South Wales (except Broken Hill), Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Canberra

What time is used in Melbourne?

Time Zone Currently Being Used in Victoria

Offset Time Zone Abbreviation & Name Current Time
UTC +11 AEDT Mon, 11:00:39 am

Is Melbourne time zone the same as Sydney?

Since Sydney, New South Wales and Melbourne, Victoria currently have equivalent time zones, you can call someone during your normal hours and it will be the same time in Melbourne, Australia as it is in Sydney, Australia.

What is Australia UTC time?

Australia uses three main time zones: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST; UTC+08:00), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST; UTC+09:30), and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST; UTC+10:00).

Is AEDT time in Sydney?

You’re comparing Sydney Time and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)! Most locations are observing Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT). Maybe you should check the difference between Sydney Time and Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT) instead.


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