What are function-oriented metrics?

What are function-oriented metrics?

Function-Oriented Metrics are also known as Function Point Model. This model generally focuses on the functionality of the software application being delivered.

What are object-oriented metrics?

The object-oriented metric criteria are to be used to evaluate the following attributes of software quality: (i) Efficiency (ii) Complexity (iii) Understandability (iv) Reusability (v) Testability/1.1aintenance. The concept of inheritance helps us to introduce the reusability factor in our software development.

What are size oriented metrics?

Size Oriented Metrics derived by normalizing quality and productivity Point Metrics measures by considering size of the software that has been produced. Size Oriented Metrics are also used for measuring and comparing productivity of programmers. It is a direct measure of a Software.

How do you calculate oriented metrics?

Size-oriented metrics depend on the programming language used….Based on the LOC/KLOC count of software, many other metrics can be computed:

  1. Errors/KLOC.
  2. $/ KLOC.
  3. Defects/KLOC.
  4. Pages of documentation/KLOC.
  5. Errors/PM.
  6. Productivity = KLOC/PM (effort is measured in person-months).
  7. $/ Page of documentation.

What is function point metrics in software engineering?

Function points are a unit of measure used to define the value that the end user derives, or the functional business requirements the software is designed to accomplish. Each application has a specific number of function points, which are used to benchmark cost and productivity or development and maintenance activity.

How do you measure software testing?

The Fundamental Software Testing Metrics:

  1. Defect Density = Defect Count/Size of the Release/Module.
  2. Defect Leakage = (Total Number of Defects Found in UAT/ Total Number of Defects Found Before UAT) x 100.
  3. DRE = Number of defects resolved by the development team/ (Total number of defects at the moment of measurement)

How many categories does object-oriented metrics have?

]. The suite comprises six metrics: Weighted Methods per Class (WMC), Coupling Between Objects (CBO), Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT), Number of Children (NOC), Response For a Class (RFC), and Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM).

What is Kloc software engineering?

KLOC (thousands of lines of code) is a traditional measure of how large a computer program is or how long or how many people it will take to write it. The code measured is usually source code . Defects per KLOC is a common measure used as a target or for evaluating code quality.

How do you measure the size of a program?

Historically, the most common software sizing methodology has been counting the lines of code written in the application source. Another approach is to do Functional Size Measurement, to express the functionality size as a number by performing function point analysis. The original sizing method is the IFPUG.

What are measurement metrics?

A metric is a meaningful measurement taken over a period of time that communicates vital information about a process or activity, leading to fact-based decisions. Metrics are usually specialized by the subject area. In business, they are sometimes referred to as key performance indicators (KPI).


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