What is the aMAZE journey in Girl Scouts?
What is the aMAZE journey in Girl Scouts?
For the ceremony, consider focusing on the law “be a sister to every Girl Scout.” The aMAZE! Journey is about developing healthy relationships, long- lasting friendships, and increasing peace one interaction at a time.
What is a peacemaker kit?
In this mission, girls will create their own PEACEMAKER KIT by decorating their OWN Peacemaker Keepsake Box ! This kit will serve as a special memory of their journey. Prompt girls to think of their box as a scrapbook in which they can continue to add items, lyrics, and quotes throughout their life !
What is a journey take action project?
Journeys and Take Action projects are created specifically for leadership development because they challenge Girl Scouts to think critically, work collaboratively, and act intentionally. Girl Scouts has a variety of Journeys for any interest.
What is Cadette aMAZE journey?
aMAZE Journey. Life is a maze of relationships and this journey has Girl Scout Cadettes maneuvering through all its twists and turns to find true friendships, plenty of confidence, and maybe even peace.
How do you complete a Cadette journey?
To earn it, girls must complete 3 of the 9 challenges listed in the Interact Challenges chart on pages 12–15 in the girl book. These challenges, based on topics the girls will explore on the journey, invite the Cadettes to try small, positive ways of interacting in their daily lives.
What is the Cadette media journey about?
In this Journey, you will: 1. Explore media and find out how to reshape negative media messages into more positive ones—invite a TV show producer to talk about what influences her work, organize a movie night and discuss the film’s messages, or write a rap song or TV script.
What is the difference between a Take Action project and a service project?
A Service Project is a project that address an immediate, short-term need in the community and can include volunteering time with an organization. A Bronze Award Take Action Project is a project that addresses the root cause or problem of a community issue, and has a long term impact.
How do you do a Take Action project?
When you take action, you work as a team to:
- Identify a problem.
- Research the root cause of the problem.
- Come up with a sustainable solution.
- Develop a team plan.
- Put the plan into action.
- Reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and what you’ve learned.
What badges are in the Cadette outdoor journey?
The Cadette Outdoor Journey consists of three badges-Night Owl, Trailblazing, Primitive Camper-and three Take Action meetings.
How can I help the Girl Scouts?
Support Girl Scouts by donating nationally or to your local council, becoming a lifetime member, and advocating for girls. Resources for Girl Scout members. Find volunteer, Girl Scout, and family tools and support. Explore badges, activities, and more.