How did the Gold King mine spill affect the animals?

How did the Gold King mine spill affect the animals?

In January 2018, global science and engineering consultants Knight Piésold reported, while the spill had “further limited aquatic life,” its “resulting impacts on aquatic life, including the trout fishery downstream of Silverton, would undoubtedly be more adverse” were it not for actions taken by SGC, and that “Before …

Who was responsible for cleaning up the Gold King Mine Spill?

the EPA
Meanwhile, the EPA took full responsibility for the disaster and worked quickly to build a $1.5 million dollar water treatment plant at the mine. Today, the water downstream is clear, but the cleanup is not over.

Is the Animas River safe?

Health officials say the water in the Animas and San Juan rivers is safe again. The water has been treated since the accidental Gold King Mine Spill in 2015. The Environment Department says recent tests of the water show it’s safe.

Why is the Animas River orange 2021?

The discharge caused discoloration of the Animas River north of Cinnamon Creek, and possibly farther down, said Athena Jones with the EPA. “It’s a rust, essentially, and that’s why it has an orange-red color,” Jones said.

How did the Animas River get polluted?

The government scientists sampled river water, milk from cows that drank the water, and crops that were irrigated with river water for 75 miles downstream from the mill. They found that the Animas River was polluted with chemical and radioactive materials.

Why is the Animas River Yellow?

The Superfund was created in response to the 2015 Gold King Mine spill, in which the EPA accidentally pierced an adit that sent about 3 million gallons of acidic mine waste down the Animas River. The yellow plume worked its way through Durango and into the San Juan River in New Mexico.

Why is the Animas River orange?

The Environmental Protection Agency was trying to remove some heavily polluted wastewater from a mine near Silverton, Coloroado, when it accidentally spilled some into the nearby Animas River, causing it to turn orange. While doing this, toxic water started pouring into a tributary of the River.

Is there gold in the Animas River?

Anywhere near the headwaters of the Animas River is worth exploring including the Animas Forks, Cement Creek, and Mineral Creek. There was a lot of gold mined here back in the day, but mostly from hard rock mines. Smaller quantities were sluiced from the river.

How did the Animas River get its name?

The first documented instance of the Animas River getting its name was from Spanish explorer Juan Maria Antonio Rivera, who led what is considered the earliest known Western expedition through this region in 1765. According to his journals, he called the river “Rio de Las Animas” – the River of Souls.

Why is the Animas River Green?

According to officials, the recent color of the Animas River is a result of typical monsoonal conditions. With snowmelt all but complete and monsoons in full swing, residents can expect periodic discoloration of the Animas River, a public health official said Thursday.

Why is the Animas River Brown?

The water was a cloudy brown color with bits of suspended, charred debris. Sediment and ash from the 416 Fire piles up along the banks of Hermosa Creek, a tributary of the Animas River. The Animas began the summer with record low water because of drought and a warm winter. Many western rivers are stressed.


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