What are the responsibilities of administrative authorities in Nigeria?

What are the responsibilities of administrative authorities in Nigeria?

For example, they are, like the legislature, authorized to prescribe rules and regulations; to, like the prosecutors and judiciary, empowered to determine whether or not the law has been violated and to impose penalty as appropriate; and to, like the President of the country, confer privileges on persons or …

What is the role of administrative law in public administration?

It determines the Organizations, powers and duties of administrative Authorities.” “Administrative law means that branch of our law Which vests powers in administrative agencies, imposes certain requirements on the agencies in the exercise of the powers and provides remedies against wrongful administrative acts.”

What is administrative law?

Administrative law is the law that governs the administrative actions. It includes law relating to the rule-making power of the administrative bodies, the quasi-judicial function of administrative agencies, legal liabilities of public authorities and power of the ordinary courts to supervise administrative authorities.

What are examples of administrative law?

An example of administrative law is the regulation and operation of the Social Security Administration, and the administration of benefits to the people.

Who uses administrative law?

Definition of Administrative Law Administrative agencies and government departments fill in those gaps for Congress and pass additional rules and regulations to achieve Congress’s goals. People often deal with administrative agencies and administrative law when they apply for government benefits.

What is the concept of administrative law?

Administrative law is the law relating to the control of governmental power, other than. the power of Parliament, and the body of general principles relating to the functioning. (as opposed to structure) of public authorities: Wade & Forsyth.


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