Is there a season 2 of Hanako kun?

Is there a season 2 of Hanako kun?

However, we will still be extremely positive and would count that the show will return for a sequel. Back in March 2020, after the show’s end, it has just been a year and a half. It’s completely okay to expect a wait time like that for a show like Toilet-Bound Hanako Kun.

Who is Hanako in love with?

Though he often teases her, Hanako comes to deeply cherish Yashiro and will go to extreme lengths to help her when she is in need. Nene Yashiro is a first-year high school student at Kamome Academy. She summons Hanako and wishes for her crush, Teru Minamoto, to return her feelings.

How many years old is Hanako?

226 years old
The name Hanako translates to “flower girl” in Japanese. Far exceeding the average lifespan for her breed, she was reportedly 226 years old at the time of her death….Hanako (fish)

Species Koi fish
Sex Female
Born c. 1751
Died July 7, 1977 (aged 225–226) Japan
Residence Japan

How tall is Hanako?

roughly 150 cm
Hanako is a short boy, standing at roughly 150 cm (4’11”) tall with choppy, dark brown hair and large, amber irises shaped into a crescent moon shape.

What is Hanako-Kun Yorishiro?

A divine yorishiro (依代) is the most precious possession of a school mystery. The yorishiro acts like a battery that provides the school mystery with power and is kept in the innermost reaches of a school mystery’s boundary.

Who is Nene’s crush?

Hanako [As Amane] finally asks her if she likes him, and Nene replies with a resounding yes, confirming that she does in fact, have romantic feelings for Hanako.

What is Hanako Kun Yorishiro?

What does it say on Hanako-kun’s cheek?

Hanako is often seen with and commands two hakujoudai—disembodied human souls—with red and green circular markings respectively. On his left cheek, Hanako wears a white seal with a red-colored kanji for seal (封) written.

Is Tsukasa stronger than Hanako?

because he’s gotten his powers in a different, heartless way. what’s hard to get is why tsukasa is the more powerful twin. apparently the “god” that gave hanako his abilities had given him limits – even hanako couldn’t kill a school mystery in their own boundary, yet tsukasa did it in one fell swoop…

Does Yashiro kiss Hanako?

And Yashiro kissed him. Each kiss, each touch set an inferno inside him and around them. A kiss so deep, it made the whole world disappear, and Hanako found himself lost in everything that was Yashiro.


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