What graph has a zero slope?

What graph has a zero slope?

horizontal line
A horizontal line has slope zero since it does not rise vertically (i.e. y1 āˆ’ y2 = 0), while a vertical line has undefined slope since it does not run horizontally (i.e. x1 āˆ’ x2 = 0).

Can you graph a line if its slope is undefined?

Since we did not have a change in the x values, the denominator of our slope became 0. This means that we have an undefined slope. If you were to graph the line, it would be a vertical line, as shown above. The slope of the line is undefined.

Is a zero slope linear?

Yes, a linear function can have a slope of zero.

Which relation has a zero slope?

This relationship always holds: a slope of zero means that the line is horizontal, and a horizontal line means you’ll get a slope of zero. (By the way, all horizontal lines are of the form “y = some number”, and the equation “y = some number” always graphs as a horizontal line.) Its graph is below.

What is a no slope?

No slope means that the line is vertical. Just like the line that makes the beginning of a ā€œNā€ is vertical.

What does zero graph look like?

Let’s look at the graph of the lines shown below. Do you see a pattern? For each row, the y- coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x- axis is zero. The point where the line crosses the x- axis has the form (a,0) ; and is called the x-intercept of the line.

What is 0 on a graph?

A zero slope is just the slope of a horizontal line! The y-coordinate never changes no matter what the x-coordinate is!

How do you know if a graph has a zero slope?

What is the zero slope?

The slope of a line can be thought of as ‘rise over run.’ When the ‘rise’ is zero, then the line is horizontal, or flat, and the slope of the line is zero. Put simply, a zero slope is perfectly flat in the horizontal direction. The equation of a line with zero slope will not have an x in it.

What does a 0 slope mean?

A slope of zero means that there is a constant relationship between x and y. Graphically, the line is flat; the rise over run is zero.


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