Which nerves supply the muscles of the upper arm?

Which nerves supply the muscles of the upper arm?

This article will focus on the five terminal nerve branches of the brachial plexus which supply the upper limb. These are the musculocutaneous nerve, the axillary nerve, the radial nerve, the median nerve and the ulnar nerve.

Which muscles are innervated by which nerves?

Muscles Innervated by Cranial Nerves
Cranial Nerve Muscle
Oculomotor nerve (CN III) Extraocular muscles innervated by CN III are superior rectus (SR) infecrior rectus (IR) medial rectus (MR) inferior oblique (IO) Levator palpebrae superioris Ciliary muscle Sphincter pupillae
Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Superior oblique

What are the nerves of upper limb?

There are 6 topics covered in the nerves of the upper limb, an overview of the brachial plexus and a more in-depth look into it’s 5 main branches: axillary, musculocutaneous, median, radial, and ulnar nerves.

What nerve Innervates all upper limb extensors?

The radial nerve (and its deep branch) provides motor innervation to the muscles in the posterior compartment of the arm and forearm, which are mostly extensors.

What muscles does the Musculocutaneous nerve supply?

The musculocutaneous nerve innervates the three muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm: the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis. It is also responsible for cutaneous innervation of the lateral forearm.

What muscles does the sciatic nerve supply?

The undivided sciatic nerve innervates the 4 hamstring muscles and the short head of the biceps femoris muscle along the back of the thigh. The nerve also partially supplies the adductor magnus muscle along the inner front side of the thigh.

Which nerves supply the diaphragm?

The phrenic nerve originates from the anterior rami of the C3 through C5 nerve roots and consists of motor, sensory, and sympathetic nerve fibers. It provides complete motor innervation to the diaphragm and sensation to the central tendon aspect of the diaphragm.

What does Thoracodorsal nerve supply?

The thoracodorsal nerve is a pure motor nerve that innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle. The primary blood supply of the latissimus dorsi muscle is the thoracodorsal artery. The dorsal divisions of T6 to T12 provide the sensory innervation of the skin of the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Which muscles flex the humerus?

The clavicular portion of pectoralis major flexes the humerus, while the sternocostal head adducts and medially rotates the humerus.

Which nerve Innervates the deltoid muscle?

After exiting the quadrangular space posteriorly, the anterior branch of the axillary nerve wraps around the surgical neck of the humerus, with the posterior humeral circumflex artery, to then innervate the deltoid muscle.

What are the three principal muscles of the shoulders and upper arms?

It consists of three muscle heads: the anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, and posterior deltoid. All assist with arm elevation during a process called glenohumeral elevation and play a large role in the movement and overall stability of the shoulder joint and upper arm.

Where does the upper limb nerve supply come from?

Nerve supply of the upper limb. Upper limb function depends on five roots of origin of spinal nerves in the neck. These spinal roots branch and join in a complex manner forming the brachial plexus, which passes over the first rib and under the clavicle to reach the axilla.

What does upper limb function depend on?

Upper limb function depends on five roots of origin of spinal nerves in the neck. These spinal roots branch and join in a complex manner forming the brachial plexus, which passes over the first rib and under the clavicle to reach the axilla. There, five nerves emerge and pass down the limb to supply all…

What are the upper limb muscles and movements?

Upper limb muscles and movements. 1 Scapular region. The scapular region lies on the posterior surface of the thoracic wall. It may seem strange that it is included in the anatomy of the 2 Shoulder. 3 Arm (brachium) 4 Forearm flexors. 5 Forearm extensors.

What does the brachial plexus supply?

The brachial plexus is a collection of nerve fibres that supply motor and sensory innervation to the upper limb. It originates from nerve roots C5 to T1 and, as it passes through the axilla, merges the nerve fibres from these roots into different nerve branches.


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