What occurs during viral reassortment?

What occurs during viral reassortment?

Reassortment is another form of genetic exchange that can occur in segmented viruses—viruses that have their genome split into multiple segments. Reassortment only occurs when multiple viruses co-infect the same cell, and replicate their progeny segments in the same cytoplasm.

What is viral gene reassortment?

Reassortment is the process by which influenza viruses swap gene segments. This genetic exchange is possible due to the segmented nature of the viral genome and occurs when two differing influenza viruses co-infect a cell.

Is reassortment mutation?

2.12 Mutation, Recombination, and Reassortment as Individual and Combined Evolutionary Forces. Mutation, recombination, and segment reassortment contribute to the evolution of most DNA and RNA viruses.

What is recombination and reassortment?

5.5 Recombination Genetic reassortment, the mixing of genes between two organisms to make a new genetic sequence known as a recombinant, is a powerful mechanism for evolution and adaptation. Sexual reproduction genetically recombines the genes of each parent.

Is recombination the same as reassortment?

Reassortment only occurs in segmented RNA viruses, whereas recombination stricto sensu occurs in virtually all RNA viruses. The formation of a hybrid RNA sequence after inter-molecular exchange of genetic information between two nucleotide sequences results specifically from the latter.

What is genome reassortment?

Reassortment is a form of genetic recombination that occurs in RNA viruses with segmented genomes, regardless of whether they are single- or double-stranded and whether these involve few or many segments.

When does reassortment occur meiosis?

Genetic Reassortment Occurs during prophase 1 of meiosis.

Can bacteria undergo reassortment?

Genetic reassortment causes major changes in the influenza A virus, resulting in a genetic shift in the virus and epidemics. Recombination occurs among bacteria by a process known as horizontal gene transfer (described in Section 5.6), which also has been observed among virus and fungi.

What is the reassortment of chromosomes and genetic information?

Reassortment is the mixing of the genetic material of a species into new combinations in different individuals. Several different processes contribute to reassortment, including assortment of chromosomes, and chromosomal crossover.


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