How many dealers does Group 1 have?

How many dealers does Group 1 have?

188 automotive dealerships
ABOUT GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Group 1 owns and operates 188 automotive dealerships, 242 franchises, and 48 collision centers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil that offer 32 brands of automobiles.

What is the largest auto group in the US?

Ranked by 2019 new-vehicle retail sales

2019 total new retail vehicles ’18 rank
AutoNation Inc.* 282,602 1
Penske Automotive Group Inc.*# 222,800 2
Lithia Motors Inc.* 180,532 3
Group 1 Automotive Inc.*# 169,136 3

Who is the CEO of Group 1 Automotive?

Earl J. Hesterberg Jr. (Apr 9, 2005–)Group 1 Automotive / CEO

Who started Group 1 Automotive?

Group 1 Automotive

Trade name Group 1 Automotive
Industry Car dealership
Founded 1997
Founders Bob Howard, Sterling McCall, Charles Smith, Kevin Whalen
Headquarters Houston, Texas

How many employees does Group 1 Automotive have?

14,200Group 1 Automotive / Number of employees (2017)

Who owns the Prime Auto Group?

GPB Capital Holdings
Prime Automotive Group’s majority owner GPB Capital Holdings agreed to pay New England dealer and former Prime CEO David Rosenberg $30 million to settle a lawsuit filed by Rosenberg in 2019, according to a Monday regulatory filing.

How many dealerships does Hendrick own?

His Hendrick Automotive Group now more owns than 80 dealership franchises across 10 states, making it the sixth largest auto dealership in the country.

How many car dealerships does Berkshire Hathaway own?

85 dealerships
Its website lists 85 dealerships in 10 states.

How many employees does group one have?

Company Growth (employees)

Employees (est.) (Dec 2019) 15,296 (+5%)
Job Openings 357
Website Visits (Sept 2021) 88.2 k
Revenue (FY, 2020) $10.9 B (-9%)
Share Price (Dec 2021) $202.6

Who bought prime Toyota?

Group 1 Automotive Inc. of Houston entered into an agreement to purchase Prime Automotive from New York-based GPB Capital Holdings for $880 million, the company announced Monday. WBUR is a nonprofit news organization and our coverage relies on your financial support.


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