What is Cochrane search strategy?

What is Cochrane search strategy?

Cochrane Reviews take a systematic and comprehensive approach to identifying studies that meet the eligibility criteria for the review. All authors of systematic reviews should, however, identify an experienced medical/healthcare librarian or information specialist to provide support for the search process.

How do you create a search strategy for a Cochrane review?

These are the steps required when developing a comprehensive search strategy for a systematic review:

  1. Formulate the research question.
  2. Identify the key concepts.
  3. Develop search terms – free-text terms.
  4. Develop search terms – controlled vocabulary terms.
  5. Search fields.
  6. Phrase searching, wildcards and proximity operators.

What is a search strategy in research?

A search strategy is an organised structure of key terms used to search a database. The search strategy combines the key concepts of your search question in order to retrieve accurate results. Your search strategy will account for all: possible search terms. keywords and phrases.

How many databases should be used in a systematic review?

Typically at least three databases are used for a systematic review. A list of most commonly used databases appears on this page, but there may be others to consider depending upon the topic. When conducting a systematic review, a thorough search strategy is necessary.

What are search strategies examples?

Search Strategies

  • phrase searching (where you need to find the words together, e.g. “stress management”)
  • truncation (searching for different word endings, e.g. laughter, laughing)
  • wildcards (searching for word variations, e.g. woman, women)

What is systematic search strategy?

A well constructed search strategy is the core of your systematic review and will be reported on in the methods section of your paper. The search strategy retrieves the majority of the studies you will assess for eligibility & inclusion. The quality of the search strategy also affects what items may have been missed.

What is systematic search?

Search strategy The goal of systematic review searches is to identify all relevant studies on a topic. Therefore, systematic review searches are typically quite extensive. The goal of a systematic review search is to maximize recall and precision while keeping results manageable.

What are systematic search methods?

The goal of a systematic search is to identify all relevant studies answering the research question (high sensitivity or recall) as opposed to a highly precise search designed to capture only key, important papers.

What type of research design is systematic review?

A systematic review is a critical assessment and evaluation of all research studies that address a particular clinical issue. The researchers use an organized method of locating, assembling, and evaluating a body of literature on a particular topic using a set of specific criteria.


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