What does the image of Sto Nino symbolize?

What does the image of Sto Niño symbolize?

The Santo Niño de Cebú is a Roman Catholic title of the Child Jesus associated with a religious image of the Christ Child widely venerated as miraculous by Filipino Catholics. It depicts the Child Jesus, with a serene countenance, in the attitude and dress of a Spanish monarch.

Is Sto Nino real?

The Santo Niño is as old as the Catholic faith in the country. Made by Flemish artisans, the statue, now known as the Santo Niño de Cebu, is enshrined in a chapel within Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu, or simply Santo Niño Basilica. The original statue brought by Magellan is still found in Cebu.

What does Santo Nino Do?

The Feast of Santo Nino is held locally on the second Sunday in January, followed immediately by the nine day long Sinulog festival, celebrating the local conversion to Christianity with parades, music, and dance.

Why do you collect statues of Sto Niño?

After the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, Roman Catholicism has been an important ideology to the people of the Philippines, and Chris’s family was able to bring this belief system with them here to the U.S. This statue is important to his family because many Filipino Catholics venerate the image or symbol of a …

Is Sto Nino a sculpture?

The holy Child of Cebu is a roman Catholic statue. Sto Nino is spanish and means holy child. It is one of the oldest religious images in the Philippines. The first original brought to the Philippines was made out of wood and is still kept in the Basilica minore del Sto Nino in Cebu City.

Why are we devoted to Sto Nino?

“Our devotion to the Child Jesus must also inspire us to take good care of the least, the last and the lost in our society. To love the Santo Nino is to make the lives of children peaceful, safe, and fruitful,” he added. Santos said, devotion to the Santo Nino must also serve as an inspiration to be obedient.


How did the image of the Santo Nino come to Cebu?

The Santo Niño When Magellan arrived in Cebu, he was received positively by the local chief, Rajah Humabon. They were baptized to Catholicism together with his 800 subjects. When Magellan died and the remaining crew returned to Spain, the natives returned to their old beliefs and made the image into a pagan idol.

How old is the Sto Nino de Cebu?

Basilica del Santo Niño

Minor Basilica of the Holy Child
Groundbreaking 1735
Completed 1739–1740
Number of spires 1

Why is Sto Nino black?

The Augustinians realized that black was more appealing to Filipinos,” Chua explained. He said island folk believed that a black image was powerful. “For almost 50 years, we venerated a black Sto. Niño,” he said.

Who significant the Sto Niño in the life of all Filipinos?

The Santo Niño de Cebu, an icon of the Child Jesus given by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan to Cebu’s Queen Juana in 1521, is central to the faith of Cebuanos. For all Filipinos, it is also a symbol of Christianity’s arrival in the country exactly 500 years ago this year.

Who made the infant Jesus?

The Infant Jesus of Prague in the Basilica It was made for the Basilica by Polish artist Boleslaw Cybis and stands a mere 17 inches tall.

Who received the replica of Sto Nino?

the Sagrada Familia
On December 5, the Sagrada Familia received its exact replica as a gift from the Filipino Catholic faithful 500 years after it was gifted to Cebu by the Spanish expedition, the Armada de Maluco led by Ferdinand Magellan. “This bringing of the Santo Niño here is really history.

What is Pit Senyor means?

Long Live the Christ Child
People yell “Pit Senyor,” a short way of saying Viva Pit Senyor, which means “Long Live the Christ Child!” The street party is quite a different experience from the coordinated movements and calm of the procession that comes earlier.

What is Sto. Nino holding?

The Hands holding the Sto. Nino symbolically represents the abiding presence of the Father in the community. The Sto. Nino image as held by the Father is given to the humanity. As said in the gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


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