When should I turn off my sprinklers for winter Colorado?
When should I turn off my sprinklers for winter Colorado?
Here in Colorado it is important to winterize your sprinkler system in the month of October. Some early birds will winterize at the end of September. That does not hurt anything but may have you doing some watering by hand. Which completely eliminates the risk of freezing.
When should I turn my sprinklers off in Colorado?
The best suggestion for when to turn off your sprinklers is right when the cold weather begins. Keep an eye on your local forecast for when the big freeze is coming, and plan around that. Give yourself a few days as a cushion just to be safe, and begin preparations for the winterization process.
When should I turn my sprinklers back on in Colorado 2021?
Waiting until after the last freeze — typically around May 5 — to turn on your system. While leaks or breaks can occur on exposed pipes and backflow devices above ground, damage can occur underground, as well.
Can I turn my sprinklers on Colorado?
While it’s tempting to turn on your water during nice stretches of weather, we recommend waiting until after April 15th to help prevent freeze damage from occurring.
When should I turn my sprinkler system off?
You should shut off your irrigation system just before temperatures in your region begin to dip below freezing at night. Don’t shut off your irrigation system too early. Often homeowners shut their systems down as soon as the fall season arrives because they believe that their lawn requires less water.
When should I stop watering my lawn in Colorado?
Tony Koski, Turf Specialist at Colorado State University, say about watering lawns in the fall: “Lawn watering is often stopped in early fall. Conventional thinking is that because ET (evapo-transpiration) rates are low and the turf isn’t growing much, it is OK to stop watering.
When can I turn my sprinklers on Denver?
From May 1 until October 1 Denver residents cannot water their lawns between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., they must limit watering to three times per week, and they are required to repair damage to sprinkler systems within 10 days.
Is it OK to turn on sprinklers?
Sprinklers get damaged when water is in the pipes when it’s cold enough for water to freeze, which is why your system goes through winterization. When it needs water, it’s time you turn your sprinklers on again.
When should I turn off my sprinklers?